Midnight beyond

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"It can't be... It can't be... It can't be" midnight murmured to herself over and over again in dreamlike haze.
"Am I or am I not... Sister or nothing? Visions don't lie so I must be foxgloves sibling... Am I the love that she hates?"
The black rabbit rolled onto her back, green eyes gazing blankly at the Rock ceiling. Her heart was in turmoil.
"I never knew though, we are so unalike... In fur and in nature. With us being siblings, it's just not natural"
Suddenly a lance of pain speared her head and as she closed her eyes in agony, amidst the darkness of closed sight, she was aware of the presence of fiver who sat next to her.
As the pain subsided, the black doe sighed and spoke in a trance like manner "only a moon ago, I helped an innocent hlessil to die by acknowledging the danger he brought to this forsaken warren. And now I learn that foxglove is my sibling. How can it get any worse?"
The visionary fiver, ever the wise, looked up at midnight from his small frame.
"It always gets worse before it gets better... Believe me... Something very bad is going to happen soon... So bad" the buck shivered, tremors coursing down his spine.
Midnight looked away. "You have friends where you are, rabbits who follow you and care for you. Here, I am alone, feared and hated by most" she gazed at her paws in consternation. "I do not need any more prophecies of destruction, I've seen too much already"
Fiver passed a paw over his eyes. "And yet I am older than you... Have I not seen more than you? These visions make us who we are... They make us special not tharn. Remember that always, midnight"
The black rabbit nodded, then sighed. "Of course you are right... But... The visions can be so... Terrible. Like ice... Chilling every light from your body. Then fire... Fire that consumes you and takes all you hopes, joy, pleasures away from you but replaces them with... Fear, terror and horror... Such... Such powerful horror" the young doe shuddered fitfully, her vision growing black, hazy and unfocused. She was almost unaware as fiver hurried to her before she fell into another vision.

Midnight opened her eyes, blinking to focus and make clearer detail. This was a vision, she knew that.
"Where am I?" She questioned, trembling as her heart beat faster in fear.
Suddenly... There was lightening, a huge fork of the dazzling white that lit up the sky. The light lit up midnights fur, illuminating her as if she shone an eerie silver.
Then the sky turned red... Crimson as the blood that ran like ice through the rabbits veins. Midnight froze in erect stature, her fore paws shaking fitfully as her eyes were fixed in horror into the distance.
A shape grew, tangled claws twisting higher and higher as they swayed, reeled to some bloodcurdling, hideous dance. Leaves opened, dark and stained horrid vermillion, droplets fell like stones to the ground, covering the earth in crimson blood.
Midnight stared in abject horror, waves after waves of chills sweeping across her icy frame. Her heart beat madly, as if gone tharn in a winter snowstorm yet the doe felt stillness around her, adding to the horror that reigned.
The alien plant grew taller, taller and ever taller. Higher than the red clouds and the stems twisted, writhed like rabbits caught in shining wires, made mad by agony in their crazed death throes.  Weird and unnatural shapes were formed, as the branches clung, wrapped and grasped one another, their sinewy boughs crushing life from the next victim.
Snares... Like snares... The shining wire that chokes with no mercy.
Midnight threw her paws down and trembled fitfully. A squeal of understanding escaped her stricken body.
" I know now... I know now!"  Her voice was shrill, hysterical by terror. "I see it all... What horrifying danger is nearer to us all. To wrap their tendrils around us, to tighten cruelly around the windpipe then to kill with no remorse" she lifted her head to the sky and screamed. "And who will die? Their lives drawn by metal... Sucked from them! Who will feel it closing around their necks, closing... Tighter... Tighter... Until life is gone. Why!? Why, frith have you abandoned us?"
The black rabbit passed out and fell to the ground.

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