A good friend

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Midnight was dimly aware of something nudging her. Her eyes opened slowly, her ears trembling.
When her eyes had adjusted she could make out the form of  brae, the rabbit whose heart she had looked into.
"D- does clawface want me?" Asked midnight, rolling onto her back and looking at her paws. Her eyes were sad, she knew terrible things.
Brae shook his head. "No, I just came to see if you were alright" he gazed into her troubled eyes. He always felt a loyalty to her, ever since she kept his secret. One day he would destroy clawface and let peace reign, perhaps with midnight as his doe.
Midnight sighed and turned away, her heart heavy. "I'm fine"
Brae knew otherwise. He hopped closer to the black rabbit, his eyes soft.
"You may say so... But words often lie" his voice was gentle. "I want to know what's wrong with you... I want to know what's in here" he said, placing a paw upon midnight's heart. "Please tell me"
Midnight struggled to control her pain as her grievances poured out. "I never fit in... Not in the warren of the shining stones... And now not here. I feel like smoke... Wishing yet never able to mingle... I had a good friend once, a very good friend... But once the friendship broke and we hardly spoke. I never knew why... Only she had other good friends, I did not. I hated all that they preached in that warren... Everything was wrong..." The doe broke off, her frame shuddering as tears flowed down her face. "And now I'm in the clutches of evil, clawface plans to use me, I don't know for what. But innocent rabbits will die... I know that and I- I wish I could stop it. I sent a young buck to death... W-when I looked into his heart... Oh frith... I c-cried out h-his true beliefs..." Midnight wept, bowing her head into her paws. "I betrayed him... I took his life"
Brae only stared at the broken rabbit as she continued.
"Now I learn that foxglove is my sibling... My enemy is my blood, frith, how can that be so...?" Midnight closed her eyes, trembling fitfully.
"But now even greater trouble... Shining wires all around us. I know... I saw them in a vision... So t-terrible... S-so b-bad. How can things get any worse? Oh frith has left us" she wept, hopelessness and guilt searing into her.
Brae had never seen anything so pitiful before, he truly felt for the young doe and wished to help her somehow.
He lay next to her, his voice consoling as he spoke out his feelings. "I really feel for you midnight. I wish I could share you pain... To make it better"
Midnight sighed and shuddered. "S-so do I"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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