Foxglove's secret

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'By frith and prince rainbow! I hate that tharn rabbit. Black fur and mystical talents about her. Mad as the
Mist and snow!'
Foxglove lay in her burrow, scratching at the stones with her claws vehemently. Her heart turned colder and harder whenever she thought about midnight... Iron claws twisted her feelings.
There was a secret soon to be known by one other.

Midnight sat next to the walls, staring straight ahead of her. Somewhere deep in her mind... Her imagination played in misty moors, winds sweeping over desolate high hills where the dark shadows below could not reach. Her spirit was prancing and frolicking in the russet grass, green slender stalks tickling her belly fur. In her vivid minds eye she was already there, happy in a free world where the sound of evil did not pound in her ears anymore. Many trips from yesterday and not quite tomorrow. Where the time is only just today. There is a lost horizon for all, waiting to be found wherever it may be, moor or mountain, forest or plantation. A lost haven where the sound of evil does not pound in ones ears ever again.
Her dreams were interrupted when a rough paw shook her and she rolled over hastily. It was foxglove. Instantly midnight felt fear clench within her.
Foxglove seemed unsure of herself... There was a wild gleam in her eyes, a desperate air flailing within. Midnight sat up, shivering slightly.
The captain spoke in a voice hoarse as winter- ridden leaves.
"I demand you to look into my heart... Use your curses to see the truth"
Terrified, midnight began to tremble visibly as an air of iciness clung in the air. Time seemed to slow... The light from midnights distant dreams was put out by those last seven words. Curses. Truth.
As if in a trance, against her own will, forced by an urge that was not realistic midnight placed her paw upon foxgloves heart, her eyes widening as she did so.
Instantly darkness shrouded midnight and she was choking on the night, feeling her spirit enfolded in such unearthly darkness.
Two rabbit kittens were squealing in a nest of straw, lightning striking the sky above them. Midnights green eyes watched them, her heart being one of theirs but older now.
Near the other kitten, whose fur was lighter grey grew the truth, green stems emerging from the ground. Pink bells that tolled out the fate creeping from the leaves of lies. Holding poison, the foxglove had grown next to the midnight and had always grown there because the two were kin.
"No!" Cried midnight, jerking her paw away. 'No it can't be!'
"It can be, sister' replied the foxglove, pouring out its terrible venomous truth. "Born on the night of lightning, grey and black kittens. One for love and one for hate. I'm the hate and always have been... From the warren of the shining stones'
Midnight was hardly aware of foxglove leaving the burrow, she was writhing on the ground in phycological agony.

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