Sharing minds

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Midnight sat alone in her borrow, hopelessness striking like winter. Her eyes were dull with sadness.
Claw face had used her to see into a young bucks mind recently, the buck had tried to run, she had betrayed his secret by looking into his heart. Her eyes closed bitterly as she remembered how she had cried out about his escape plan. He had not blamed her.
Sighing, she lay down on the straw in her stone burrow. Rough, jagged walls surrounded her. Rabbits were not meant to live like this.
Suddenly she gasped as her head gave a sharp pain. "Agh" a fit of shivering overtook her, she trembled like a leaf. Placing both paws on her head, she shut her eyes tight and willed the throbbing to stop. It was a pain she had not experienced before. Was this some vision? Why was it hurting so much?
Moaning, she clutched her head, lying flat on the floor.

She was in an orchard, trees dancing in a hazy sunlight. She took a deep breath, gazing in delight at the ripe, red apples waiting to fall from the wavy branches.
Suddenly a rabbit appeared next to her. He was small and had a timid air about him, his paws seemed to be trembling slightly. He looked at her, smiling.
"Your midnight aren't you?" He asked.
"Yes" replied the black rabbit. "Are you frith' s messenger?" She looked puzzled. "No rabbit ever appeared in my visions before"
The strange rabbit shook his head. "No. I'm fiver"
Midnight gave a sharp intake of breath. "The legendary fiver from water ship down?"
"That's me"
"Listen... Fiver. Great danger is approaching... Claw face is woundworts son. He plans revenge on your warren" midnights intense gaze pierced fivers eyes. Her voice became low and apprehensive. "He's coming soon to destroy water ship down"
Fivers eyes lit up in fear... His ears pricked up. "Not another enemy... So soon too" he murmured, half to himself.
Midnight nodded , trembling fitfully. "I see clawface... Seen into his heart, there is some hope... Almost gone. Such a small thought there that perhaps you rabbits are innocent. He hated it when I told him" she placed a paw to her eyes.
Fiver seemed to be fading away into the cold rocks. His form grew less until he vanished.
"Come back! Don't leave me here!" Cried midnight, jerking from her dream.

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