Hidden secrets

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"I can't go on sire. I must rest!" Gasped foxglove, collapsing on the dusty path. After a slight arrangement at the warren of the shining stones, captain foxglove was permitted to continue serving General clawface as long as they promised to destroy watership down.
"Sire, I must rest" panted foxglove. "I can't go on"
"Then stay here" came clawface's merciless reply. "I'm sure the Elil won't keep you waiting for long".
Foxglove gave a incoherent moan as she closed her eyes.
Feeling slightly sorry for the wretched captain, midnight sat down too, pretending to be worn out. "I'm tired too ,General clawface"
Turning round, clawface looked at midnight. "Ah. That is different. We will rest a while" he announced, sitting on his hunches.
Speechless with disbelief, foxglove glared at midnight. "But sire. Why do we rest if midnight is worn out? Is she more important than me! Me! Your loyal servant!"
Clawface glanced at his captain dismissively. "I can't afford to have my mystic tired. She is the one who will help me to get my revenge. You are merely my follower".
Foxglove cast a hateful glare at midnight.
Gazing at clawface's scarred and bruised face, midnight touched his corded paw lightly.
"Why do you plan revenge? What have they done to you?"
Clawface growled, staring into the distance as memories stirred in his mind.
"My father was killed by them. He was suspicious about them all along but let them live... Until they went to far. In anger he went to destroy watership down but they killed him" his heart gave a pang of grief that was immediately replaced by seething fury and hate. His claws itched as he longed to draw blood: the blood of the rabbits that had killed his father.
"How dreadful for you" exclaimed midnight understandingly.  She stared at clawface, something unseen bothering her like a sharp burr. "Did they accidentally kill your father?"
Clawface looked down, his eyes betraying no emotion. "I don't know"
"Why don't you ask them, instead of leaping into war like a moonstruck hedgehog" advised midnight, placing her paws upon clawface's heart. "You are not a born killer, you can't lose your mind and go into war without a justified reason".
Pausing, she closed her eyes as she reached even deeper into clawface's emotions and secrets. "There is something else too... You... You do not believe that they purposely killed woundwort. Deep down... You are sure that it was the only thing they could do to save what they loved... From the dark one who strove to destroy what he hated"
"You see too much!" Cried out general clawface in terror, drawing back from midnight suddenly. "Get away from me!"  He began to run from her, looking back other his shoulder in fear.
Casting a withering glance at midnight, foxglove followed her leader.
Closing her eyes in sadness, midnight shuddered as the emotions that she felt from clawface overwhelmed her again.
Confusion, fury, regret and uncertainty all battled amongst themselves in the tormented ones mind. She felt it as strong as the wind that blew amongst the treetops And that shook the roots themselves.
She turned to follow general clawface, her heart heavy as she realised that she had gone to far in trying to persuade clawface to give up his scheme. She knew that she had gone to far. There was no going back.

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