Full of Surprises

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I just sat there, stupidly, in the corner of the cafeteria. So far, so good, Annabeth, don't do anything that attracts attention. I took out my PB&J sandwich, and I took a huge bite. They were good. I looked at my surroundings, and everyone was chatting, and having fun with their friends, while I was the only one who did not have a friends to sit with.

Why do I always have to be so shy?

What's next? English? Again? 

I got up and wrapped up my leftovers and stuffed it in my backpack. The bell rang, and I strolled down the corridors of Gateway Elementary. The older students looked at me laughingly, pointing at me, and whispering behind my back. Why does every school have to be like this? I wish everyone would just respect each other, for once.

I went to my cubby, and I dropped my bag there. As I did that, a photo of my dad carrying a baby me, and my face reddened rapidly. I thought I stuffed deep in the back pocket of my bag! The girl with a tutu saw my photo, snatched it from the floor, and burst into tears - tears of mocking laughter and joy.

"EVERYONE! LOOK AT ANNIEBELL'S ITTY BITTY PHOTO!" the girl in the tutu hollered. Everyone came crowding around her, and everyone started howling, laughing and chortling at me. I stepped back, and, as I was just about to escape from the crowd, a sixth grader grabbed me, and they started screaming in my ear, stuff I hear almost every single day.


All of a sudden, the sixth grader shrieked with pain, and he dropped me to the ground. I looked up, and I saw a guy with really, really green eyes -wait- Percy!? Percy was kicking the sixth grader, as hard as he could with his short legs. Percy? Why would Percy stand up to me? 

Mr. Blofis saw the event, and was shocked to death, "What. Is. Happening?" 

"He's bullying Annabeth! And so was the tutu girl!" Percy raged, his face red with anger. 

"Josh, Alicia, detention for seven weeks, starting afterschool," Mr. Blofis said gravely, glaring at Josh.

Josh mumbled something about annoying and brainless first graders, and Alicia muttered that Mr. Blofis was an idiot. 

"Josh, NOW!" Mr. Blofis boomed, "Alicia to my room, please! It's your first day here, and this is not a very good reputation you're showing me," 

Alicia looked like she was on the verge of tears, but I didn't care. All I cared about now was to thank Percy. Alot. And ask him why he had to risk something like this. 

"Thanks, Percy," I said, suddenly interested at my shoes. 

"Hey, no problem!" Percy grinned.

"Why did you have to do that to me? You know - stand up for me?" I asked, curiously.

"'Cause I know how you feel, and so does Grover - he gets made fun of his leg disorder and his weird tone of voice, and I get bullied for my school record." Percy said quietly, his head drooping down. 

There was a moment of akward silence. Percy broke the silence, and said, "Hey, you know, Grover and I were eavesdropping Mr. Blofis talking to Ms. Hall, about this English project we have to do, and we get to do it with a partner, so...wanna be partners?" 

My eyes widened, I've never been asked to be partners with someone before. Nobody has ever stood up to me, except for me, myself. I studied this Percy guy. Although he was a troublemaker, he seemed like a worthy friend. 

"Why? Why did you choose me? I'm horrible at reading English!" I asked, curious, "They get all mixed up, and they look like greeky words, which surprisingly, I seem to understand!" 

"Same! Wow, we have a lot in common," Percy said, surprised. 

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked. Ugh, Annabeth, dumb move. 

Percy rolled his eyes and took my hand, "Of course not! We are friends right?" 

I was flabbergasted.  I looked at his face. His windswept black hair was the 'got out of bed type', and his eyes were greener than ever. But there was something on his face that mattered to me the most. 

"You've got drool on your mouth by the way." I said, and I walked away - or rather, skipped away, smirking as I left a clueless Percy behind. 

This Percy guy was full of surprises. 

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