The Queen of Breakups

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"Five, six, seven, eight!"

"Take a sip from my secret potion / I'll make you fall in love! / For a spell that can't be broken / One drop should be enough!"

The girls had practised the song time and time again, yet that didn't make them any less nervous. In the Netherlands and Germany and all the other countries they had visited they were nervous because it had been their first visit most of the time and of course they wanted to make a good first impression.

And now... now they were about to perform it in front of about fifty thousand people right next to Taylor Swift, one of the biggest and well-known singers in the entire world.

"I'm so excited," Taylor clapped her hands after she had finished the solo she had gotten in order to integrate her into the song. "I love Black Magic and I sure hope it's gonna be a huge success."

"So do we," Perrie laughed and hugged the other blonde. "Thank you so much again for giving us this opportunity."

Taylor smiled at her and nodded and it felt so meaningful to Jade that she felt jealousy ring through for a second before she averted her eyes towards the tiny buffet Taylor's management had offered for them and their crew. She grabbed a cup and poured some water into it, taking a sip without looking at either of them.

"You remember when to come on, right?"

The girls nodded all and went through Taylor's setlist in their heads again to recall how long it would take for them to get on stage. Their makeup and hair would be done by her stylists while she was pulling off the rest of her show.

Jade and Perrie sat next to each, whereas Jade still kind of ignored eye contact – or any contact at all with the blonde. It was just... what if she did something stupid? What if she accidentally leaned over and kissed Perrie? What if she stared at her too long and Perrie became suspicious?

Of course the blonde noticed her wife's lack of response when she stared at her intently, hoping to get just a glimpse of her eyes. But Jade just wouldn't look at her.

Jade could hear Jesy and Leigh-Anne whisper about them and lately they had been watching the two other girls intently, watching Jade and Perrie's every move around each other. They shared meaningful glances as well, but they weren't of the same nature as Perrie and Taylor earlier and it annoyed Jade that she was annoyed by fucking eye contact. Also, why the fuck would she even need to be jealous in the first place because Perrie wasn't gay and she was probably still in love with fucking Zayn and Jade kind of felt like ripping his head off.

"Jade, can we talk before the show starts?" The blonde murmured once they were finished with their hair and makeup. Jade finally looked up into her blue eyes and sighed, feeling plain stupid at her own behaviour.

"Sure," Jade said and put on a forced smile but that moment a member of Taylor's crew ordered them to go out on stage now. They could hear Taylor announce them and Jade was the first to go out onto the stage.


"So, Perrie," Taylor said and looked at her with pity in her eyes. "Is it okay if I ask you about Zayn?"

The younger blonde nodded her head and sighed deeply.

"You know, I've been with Harry," the American replied and her voice was filled with pity for the other singer. "When it was over I felt dreadful. I mean, it was not as bad with you, we'd only been going out for a few months really and our relationship was less public than yours, I think. But I know how these guys are. They look so innocent and friendly to the public but... I don't think any of them really care for relationships just yet."

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