■Chapter 2■

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Dedicated to my best friend AmberleyDorothy happy birthday girl!

Sam's pov:
    Where the hell am I? What happened? I feel like I can't move. My eyelids feel heavy like I've been asleep for years when in reality it was probably only an hour or two. When my eyes finally open I look around and see I'm surrounded by shards of glass and broken pieces of wood. Did I pass out and fall into the table or something but then I remember. I remember that stupid kid knocking on the door and yelling at me. I remember him seeing Vanessa and.

VANESSA?! Wait a second is she still in the kitchen? Did she not care that I was PASSED OUT in our living room, oh that stupid selfish bitch she's gonna get it now. I got up dusting my self off and taking long strides to the kitchen for round two but. She's not there. Maybe she woke up before me and she's upstairs.

"Oh Vanessa" I yelled in a sing song voice hoping to here a gasp or some sound in reply but instead I got silence. I ran up the stairs to our bedroom throwing the door open to see the whole place seemingly untouched. She's probably hiding in the closet like a scared little girl. How pathetic.

"VANESSA!" I screamed again kicking open the closet door my jaw dropping at the sight in front of me. My clothes are all still there pants, shoes, everything from graphic tees to dress shirts. But her side is bare. Nothing but hangers remain. No dresses, shirts, hats not even..her suitcase?! She thinks she can leave me? Who the fuck does she think she is uh uh. She's mine she BELONGS to me and I'll be damned if I'm just gonna sit back and let her think she got away. I grabbed my jacket, shoes and car keys. Slamming the front door and walking angrily to my car slamming the door and driving off.

'Oh babygirl, you have no idea what you just did'

Vanessa's pov:
      After driving for hours neither of us talking, me staring blankly out the window trying to figure out how I'm finally free. I've never had the guts to leave Sam, he needed me but since he's obviously found someone else it's time for me to move on to. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep.
*          *          *          *           *         *
"Vanessa? Vanessa we're here." I slowly opened my eyes and saw Chris with his hands on my shoulders trying nicely to wake me up.


"We're here. 5,000 miles away from your old home."

"Which is where exactly"

"Boston" Boston. Practically on the other side of the country. LITERALLY on the other side of the country. I got out of the car and grabbed my suitcase sitting on one of the couches in the lobby of the hotel. I pulled out my phone seeing it was 8:30 and wanting to scroll through Facebook or tumblr. When I saw my text notifications I froze.

14 new messages from ❤Sam❤

This is cute but where are you?

I'm serious Nessa this isn't funny anymore

Do you think you can just leave me HUH


You are mine Vanessa. And you always will be

I will find you and when I do you are DEFINITELY gonna regret this

My hand shook and I dropped my phone hoping it would smash into a million pieces but instead it fell face up the words on the screen striking fear in my heart. I left it there closing my eyes and taking deep breaths trying to calm down. I open my eyes when I hear someone's footsteps and then the sound of my phone being picked up.

"Everything okay?" Chris handed me my phone and I nodded giving him a fake smile.

"Um I got the key if you want to head up to the room."

"Yeah sure" I stood up grabbing my bag trying to seem as calm as possible about what I saw. The hotel we were staying at was called the holiday Inn and it was actually a really nice hotel. We took the elevator to the 5th floor and I followed Chris til he stopped at a door marked 513. He opened the door for me and I saw a beautiful room with two beds and a gorgeous view of the city.

"Not bad huh" He asked

"Not at all"

"I don't mean to pry but, who texted you." My eyes widened as I quickly tried to think of a lie

"Can, can I see your phone." I took a slow shaky breath and handed it to him. He swiped the screen open to see all my text from Sam. He quickly walked to the balcony throwing open the slider door and throwing my phone over the edge like a baseball.

He was breathing heavily and kind of scaring me as he walked quickly towards me he must of seen me back up a few steps because he stopped.

"We can get you a new phone tomorrow. But im not going to let him hurt you anymore okay? You're free now." I nodded slightly smiling.

"I'm gonna uh take a shower." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck grabbing a change of clothes and walking away.

  I changed into my pajamas yawning once again even though I slept in the car I layed down on the bed farther from the balcony and curled up in a ball closing my eyes and drifting off into a deep sleep

I woke up the next morning hearing someone knock on the door I rubbed my eyes and stretches walking over to the door forgetting to check the peep hole to see who it was. I opened the door to see him leaning in the doorframe with a smirk on his face.

"Miss me baby" I slammed the door quickly but not quick enough ad he kicked his foot up and opened the door making me fall flat on my back in shock. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the balcony picking me up by my neck wrapping his hands around them like the last time he pushed my head over the edge of the balcony still strangling me as I tried to scream for help but I couldn't. If only Chris were here that's when I saw him Shot in the chest and head on the bed. NO NO he can't be dead!

"I gave you EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING you ungrateful little bitch you don't deserve me and more importantly you don't deserve life. With that last statement he tossed me over the edge.

"AHHH" It was a dream. Just a dream I'm safe. I'm still in Boston and Chris is alive he's right next to me sleeping.

"Vanessa is everything okay." He mumbled turning over to look at me

"Yeah just. Had a bad dream that's all." I turned over taking a deep breath trying to clear my head and remind myself it was just a dream when I felt the bed dip down and someone lay down next to me wrapping there arms around me and kissing the side of my head.

"It was just a dream Vanessa you're okay now, I'm here."

And for the first time in a long time I felt safe

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