Chapter three

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•Sable's P.O.V.•

We walked from the house, zipping up our jackets and getting ready to step foot into the forest when I was suddenly blinded by a pair of headlights. Everyone jumped a little when a car door slammed, the lights blinking off. A boy walked towards us, his eyes scrunched from a smile that was hidden underneath a black and grey vertically striped mask. It only covered the bottom half of his face, which I found to be completely useless, but he enjoyed it all the same.

"Toby! God dammit man, you got here in the nick of time!" Brian grinned, taking the boys hand and pulling him into a hug.

"Sorry I'm late, I got caught up trying to leave my house."

"Your dad pitch a fit again?" Lenore sighed. Toby's dad was kind of a dick.

"Yeah, but I got out of there just in time. So, do I get one of those camera helmets, or no?"

"We only had two cameras." I pouted. "Poor baby."

"Aw, maybe next time." He slung his arm across my shoulders, laughing. "So, we going to do this or just stand around all night."

"We were waiting on you man, let's go." Brian tapped the button on his go pro, effectively turning it on. He and Tim turned towards the woods, and Lenore took hold of Toby's hand and began dragging him with her. I ran behind them, catching up pretty soon.

The woods weren't dense, but the trees were so tall that they blocked out most of the stars in the sky. This made the forest exceptionally darker than it should have been. But we were all carrying flashlights, I'd even grabbed an extra that I gave to Toby. The beams barely penetrating the thick darkness around us.

"Alright, Sable, status report."

"Nine twenty three p.m., clear night, we are in Pinewood forest, searching for any signs of The Slenderman. This includes pages, blood trails, possible video distortion on the cameras, sudden headaches and or dizziness, or any symbols such as 'The Operator' mark." I listed off simple guidelines to start off the recordings, something we did at the beginning of every video. We were all very scientific about how we approached gathering data. "There are five of us here tonight: Brian, Tim, Lenore, Toby, and me, Sable."

"Alright guys, we'll follow this path, remember to keep an eye out for any of the things Sable just mentioned, and listen for the audio distortion." Tim took the lead like he always did. I held my camera up, using it to see into the darkened trees where I couldn't. We wandered for a while, taking note of any strange things that happened to take occurrence, such as the repeated silence of the forest around us. All of the animals would stop making noise suddenly, only to start up again making alarm calls.

I felt a chill run down my spine at one point. The night air held a heavy chill to it, which wasn't surprising considering it was halfway through October. I held my notebook to my chest, thumbing through the pages. I found one with a mark drawn into it, a circle with an x through it. That was the operator mark, something that was often found graffitied on overpass walls and on abandoned buildings. But graffiti was a different ink then blood.

After getting about a mile or so into the thicket, I saw something flash on my camera screen. My heart pounded in my chest as I saw what appeared to be a run down building. I caught the others attention, waving them closer to the concrete walls.

"Guys! I've got something!" I said giddily. "There's a building right up ahead. Concrete, looks pretty beat up."

All of their lights were pointed towards the building. I could see graffiti and burn marks on the surface, but one thing along the edge caught my eye. There was white chalk, messily scrawled into a circle, an x crossing through it. I would have been fangirling if I'd found this on my own.

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