Chapter eighteen

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•Toby's P.O.V.•

I woke up just as night was beginning to fall. My fingers ached again, and with a groan I got out of bed and bandaged the fresh wounds. At this point I was sure I could see bone.

On my way out of the bathroom, I heard noise coming from the front room. I tugged on my gloves before walking out into the hall, listening to the argument my parents were having. I hadn't heard them argue in so long, it was almost a pleasant noise. My mother sounded sick and my father sounded drunk.

"He was not at fault!" She shrieked, defending me.

"Did you hear the police reports?! 'A tall man in a business suit appeared in the middle of the road and he swerved to avoid him', he was obviously going psycho and seeing things!" My father shouted back. "That thing is a menace! You should have aborted him when I told you to!"

"You were the one that wanted a son! I can't control what happens to him, and neither can he!"

"HOW DO YOU KNOW HE DIDNT CRASH ON PURPOSE?! HE COULD HAVE BEEN TRYING TO KILL HIMSELF AND HER!" I heard a snap, the sound of a palm hitting a cheek. Something inside me snapped as well.

I stepped into the kitchen, pulling open a drawer and retrieving two hatchets; one was new, my father had just boughten it for a hunting trip he was supposed to take. The other was old and dull. Blunt force trauma was a lot more satisfying than a clean cut.

My goggles were sitting on the counter as well. I pulled them over my head and pulled my mask up before marching into the living room, finding my mother clutching her bruised cheek and my father a beer. He looked at me, his words slightly slurred.

"And look who it is! The fffuck up! Come to get your whoopin' as well?!"

I didn't hesitate for a moment before I lunged. I leapt over the couch, knocking my father into the table as I sunk the hatchets into his skull. Screams of fury escaped my throat as I pulled them out, only to sink them in over and over and over again. I was completely and utterly drenched in blood, but it smelled so good. Listening to the squish and goop of the blades hitting his brain was like an angels choir.

When I got up, he was nothing more than a mess on the ground. I looked over at my mother, the color having drained from her face. She stared at me, her eyes calculating what she just witnessed and what to do next. I leapt after her as she ran to her room, slamming the door in my face and locking it. I started swinging the hatchets as I heard her dial nine one one, but soon enough I realized that it wouldn't work. Instead, I ran to the garage and grabbed the two red canisters of gasoline, making a trail from one room to the next. I grabbed my hoodie from my room before drenching my bed, and finally dumping the remaining gas on my fathers corpse.

"Good for nothing, piece of shit father." I growled, striking the match. It fell onto him, and he burst into marvelous flames. "Have fun where you're going."

I pulled my mask down as I walked back to my room, planning on taking off through the window. But as I passed my mothers door, I heard her weeping inside. She didn't deserve to die. I knew coercing her into opening it wouldn't work, so I kicked it open, finding her cowering in the corner.

"J-Just get it over with quick..." She sobbed. I held out my hand, watching as she looked at me with round, terror filled eyes. I just nodded, and she took it.

Her room was already alight, so I dragged her to mine, where the flames weren't as bad. I kicked out the glass to open the window and hoisted her up to climb out, and only when I heard her land safely on the other side did I begin to climb as well. But there was a sudden blaze only millimeters from my face, and I screamed in agony as fire licked my cheek. I could feel the flesh sear away as I fell from my bed, landing on the hard floor.

"Fuck..." I pulled my mask up, tasting my burnt blood. I was beginning to cough from the smoke inhalation. I tried to get back up again, but to my horror the roof collapsed right above my window, blocking my exit. I had to make a plan B, so I pulled myself to my feet and ran through the house. It was all aflame, the orange made even more intense by my goggles. I looked around, finally realizing that this would be the end. Something fell, hitting the back of my head and knocking me to the ground. I started coughing again, feeling blood ooze from a gash on my scalp.

As I rolled over, I lifted my goggles up, letting the smoke sear my eyes. It felt nice to cry one last time. And well, I guess I deserved what I was getting. I did just kill my father in cold blood, after all. But just as I was about to fade out to blackness, I saw a figure appear above me. The same one that caused me to crash and kill the only family member who loved me. I resented him for everything he'd done.

"This is all...your fault..." I croaked out. He knelt beside me, and did something I didn't know he could do. He actually spoke.

I know. He stated. I can save you, if you'd like.

"Why in the hell would I do that...?"

Because I've seen enough of death for one day. He sounded mournful as he said it. I already lost my mind, so, what the hell.

"What do I have to do...?"

Just take my hand.

He reached towards me, and with all the strength I had left I lifted my hand up to grab ahold of his. From that point on, I blacked out completely. You won't be hearing from me any longer.

Well, not like this, anyway.

This is the last trigger chapter I believe. But oh my god. These were hard to write. Hope you guys enjoy the book, I know I am cx vote and comment if you like, I love hearing feedback. Sweet dreams guys ^~^

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