Chapter twenty four

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•Sable's P.O.V.•

The world almost felt like it was falling away beneath my feet. Tim's body plummeted towards the ground, blood pooling around his head. Toby just reached down and plucked the axe from his skull like a flower in a field. I wanted to puke.

In the few seconds it took for me to regain some sense of composure, Toby leapt, swinging his hatchets freely. I held up my arm, feeling the sharp blade tear through my jacket and slice my skin. I could feel each and every cut open up in my skin, cell my cell. This was it. This was how I was going to die.

"You're a monster." I whispered, using my knife to block his swings. His eyes narrowed, and I just kept blocking.

"Well you're not so pretty either sweetheart." He growled, swinging towards my side.

"You used to love me." I rolled away, grabbing Tim's knife from his hand in the process. Toby made a face like he was disgusted, making another lunge towards me.

"You're pathetic." He stated. "You're just delaying the inevitable though."

"What? My death?" I laughed, crouching. "Yeah, I know. That's the point."

I bolted from the building, tears streaming down my cheeks as my feet pounded on the ground beneath me. I could hear Toby from somewhere behind me, but I just kept running. Slender or The Rake will find me sooner or later, they have to. They just have to.

"I'm not letting this kill me."

I spun around, meeting Toby face to face. With a scream I lunged, swinging my knives like a madwoman, desperately trying to land a hit. The knives tore through his clothing, I could smell the blood leaking out of him. I can win this.

"You think you're so tough." Toby spat. "But you're just a little dust bunny."

He said the last two words slowly, severing the last nerve I had left as he did so. Something fell over me, like a shadow. Static filled my ears, and I gripped the handles of my knives, screaming at the top of my lungs while I ran at him. He didn't seem surprised.

"I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THAT NAME!" I cried out as I swung, faster and more accurately than I had before. "You're nothing but trash! You're not my friend anymore, you don't even deserve to be human! You don't deserve to be a proxy! YOU DESERVE TO BE WHERE TIM IS!"

He and I swung at the same time. While my knives sunk into his chest, right into his heart and lungs, one of his hatchets buried itself in my side. I fell on top of him, watching as the light left his eyes. It was satisfying, but not something I took joy in watching. I collapsed to the side, rolling away from his body. When I tried to sit up, a rush of pain shot through my abdomen. Blood was soaked through and through my jacket. That swing really did a number on my internal organs.

Just as I was starting to black out, I looked up at the sky. A drop of rain landed on my nose, and soon another one fell. I was caught in the middle of a torrential downpour in seconds. The feeling made me smile as I lay down, dropping the knives on the ground beside me.

I guess, this is where I say goodbye.

"My name is Sable Santoro," I began, knowing the camera on my chest was still rolling. "I'm eighteen, a junior in high school, and I have seven of the greatest friends in the world. Lenore, Tim, Toby, Brian, The Rake, Slender, hell, even Jenny. I documented my life to the extent that I feel compelled to record my final words."

I thought for a few moments. Inspirational quotes, mind shattering speeches, heartfelt regrets.

"I never knew what to say. I still don't." A tear slipped down my cheek as I closed my eyes a final time.

"The only thing left to say is goodbye."

•Slenderman's P.O.V.•

We did as we were told, scouting the woods until we saw the figure of a man in a tan hoodie. The Rake moved to his other side while I stayed on mine, and I watched as he jumped at the man, chasing him in my direction.

I leapt out, pretty much pinning him to the ground. He struggled the whole time, but I held him down all the same. He shouted at me, and I wasn't listening, until I began hearing a familiar name.

"Let me go!" Brian growled. "I'm trying to stop Toby! I have to save Sable!"

"I thought you were trying to kill her." I asked, leaning in closer.

"No! The only reason I was even near Toby is because we needed to keep him from killing Sable!" He screamed. "You can't leave her alone!"

"She has Tim."

"Tim is no fucking help!" Brian thrashed around beneath my grip. "He's lost it completely! If he puts that mask on he'll be gone like that! I'm trying to prevent it!"

The Rake looked at me, and I looked back at Brian before letting him up, allowing him to brush himself off and rip the ski mask off of his face. He looked around, trying to get reacquainted with his surroundings.

"We need to get back to Sable, please do not tell me you dragged her out here with you."


I was cut off by a scream. It wasn't terror filled, or painful, but instead full of anger and malice. I'd recognize Sable from anywhere. The others seemed to know it too, because Brian took off running. I followed close behind, listening to the branches breaking beneath our feet. Something felt off the closer we got to where the voice echoed from, specifically because there was no more noise after that.

I saw Brian in a clearing, letting the rain pelt him. I hadn't noticed it start up. But he wasn't looking up. At his feet were two bodies, Toby had two knives protruding from his ribs and his hatchets lay at his side. But a few feet away was Sable, looking like she could be sleeping. A trail of blood leaked down from her lips, and I could see how bloody her jacket was. Not to mention the gaping wound in her side. The bodies were so fresh they were steaming through the rain.

"" I knelt beside the girl, pulling her body into my lap. I ran my hand over her face, wiping away any loose strands of hair. Her indigo eyes stared at the sky, filled with stars and the heavens above. I was racked with sorrow at the sight. My little dust bunny was gone.

We were too late.

I'm so sorry about the late update
I don't even know why it was so late ;-;
There's one more part after this, I'm so sorry about the ending please don't be mad at me. I swear something will make you smile in it I promise

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