Chapter thirteen

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•Brian's P.O.V.•

"Tim! Tim where the hell are you?!" I shouted, wandering around the streets. Lenore was gone as far as I knew and Tim was fucking nuts. He didn't say a thing before he just ran at me, throwing punches. I managed to get him running before he could do any real harm, but now I had to track him down. He couldn't be alone, now right now.

"Tim fucking show yourself!" I shouted, knowing he wouldn't have gone anywhere far from here. I had his medications in my pocket because it didn't fit in his jackets pocket.

I heard quick footsteps from behind me, and turned just in time to see Tim swinging a metal pole at my head. Instead I ducked, lunging at him and wrapping my arms around his ribs. If I could knock him out it would keep him from attacking, and hopefully he'd wake up normal.

He fell to the ground, hitting his head on the pavement. All it did was momentarily stun him though, and in seconds he was up and moving again. He was running at me, but...I couldn't remember anything that happened after that.

I woke up around eight the next day, confused to hell. The mask I'd made for myself was laying on the floor of Tim's room beside me, and I saw him passed out against the opposite wall. The second I tried standing up I began coughing up a storm. And suddenly, I was glad for Tim's pills being in my pocket, because I took them out with shaking fingers and swallowed one dry. We'd been sharing pills to help.

"Tim." I said loudly as the coughing ceased. He stirred, just enough for me to know he was regaining consciousness. I yanked the mask off of his head, tossing it aside. "Tim wake the fuck up."

"Wh-What...?" He blinked at me, his pupils pinpricks in the sea of green.

"What in the hell happened last night?!" I shouted.

"I...I don't..." His eyes widened as he looked around the room. "How'd we get home?"

"I don't know." I sighed, slumping against the wall beside him. He began to cough, and I gave him the pill bottle. "You were attacking me last night though, but I blacked out halfway through."

"Shit." He groaned, putting the cap on the bottle and tossing it on his bed. We both jumped when his phone rang, and I picked it up, seeing that it was Toby on the other end.

"Hey Toby, it's Brian. What's up?"

"I-I just got into a car crash..." He stuttered, his voice cracked with pain. I put him on speaker so Tim and I could both hear him.

"What the hell happened?!" Tim asked.

"I was driving with my s-sister to go to that huge mall...and th-that god damned Slenderman...h-he jumped out in front of us and I swerved..." His voice caught in his throat. "Lyra's dead...I killed her..."

Tim and I exchanged worried glances. If Lyra was dead, that meant the only person in his family that he cared for was gone too. This would destroy him.

"...And it's all Slenderman's fault."

"Are you in a hospital right now?" I asked.

"No, no, I'm sitting in an ambulance while I watch them zip up the body bag. I had some minor lesions from the broken glass and my leg was pinned between the steering wheel and the console." He sighed. "I am I going to go home and tell my parents I killed their favorite kid?"

"The police are going to have to tell them for you. I don't think-" a sudden crashing noise cut me off from the other end. I could hear Toby screaming on the other end.

"I see you! This is all your fault!" The sound of a door being kicked open and a struggle ensued, followed by more screaming and shouting from Toby. He sounded angry and sad, like he was trying not to cry. The call ended, and I looked at Tim, who just shook his head slowly.

"This is bad." I said.

"There's nothing we can do for him."

•Lenore's P.O.V.•

I said my goodbyes to Sable as she dropped me off at my house, and I walked inside, finding my dad sitting on the couch with a cigarette in his mouth and a bottle of booze in his hands. He didn't say a word as I walked inside, and I acted likewise. It's not like I could just come out and say 'hey dad, I found moms body last night and then she disappeared because of a man with no face and tentacles'. Yeah, one hundred percent sane right there.

I trudged up the steps to my room, but stopping along the way to see my brothers door open. He was fifteen, three years younger than me, and while other siblings feuded and bickered, we were closer than I was to anyone else. So after I knocked on his doorway and he looked up, I walked in the room and sat on his bed beside him.

"Hey, what's up sis?" He asked, grinning. I knew I had to put up a strong front, but...I just couldn't. I didn't exactly feel like weeping though either. I just felt numb and distressed.

"Nothing really, just thought I'd let you know I was home." I wrapped my arms around his ribs and rested my chin on his shoulder, looking past him at the screen as he played video games. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm pretty good, I've been having issues with sleeping though."

I tensed up the moment he said that. "What issues?"

"Just like, randomly waking up in the middle of the night, weird nightmares. I'm guessing it's just because moms gone and my brains having an overload, so I can't really function during the daytime." He shrugged. "How have you been doing? You seem sort of on edge since this all happened."

"I'm fine, just sort of the same things you've been dealing with. A lot of nightmares." I sighed, squeezing his ribs before I stood up. "I'll see you at dinner bro."


I walked out of his room, closing the door behind me. My room was a little ways down the hall, so I walked further, kicking open the door and walking into the darkness. When I flipped a switch the place was lit up, revealing row upon row of drawings lining my walls. Scribbled writing and operator marks, fevered and fearful. It didn't bother me.

I just sat down at my desk and pulled out a fresh sheet of paper.

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