Chapter twenty

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•Sable's P.O.V.•

For some reason, meeting with Jenny made me feel a little bit better about what was going on. At least I had another person looking out for the missing boy. It sent chills down my spine to think he might have been the one that killed his dad, but it wasn't surprising to hear either.

I found myself walking through the the back alleys, just enjoying the showers. A light mist had begun to form, and as I breathed it in the silky voice of someone I knew wrapped it's way around me, making me stop in my tracks.

"Hello, sunshine."

"T-Toby?!" I whipped around, trying to spot him in the fog. Okay, maybe I wasn't enjoying it as much now.

"Uh, uh, uh," he was right behind me. "It's Ticci-Toby now."

I turned around, finding the boy I knew staring at me through orange goggles and grinning through a burnt away cheek. I could see the seared flesh straight through to the gums.

"Wh-What happened to you...?" I choked up as I backed away. He just stepped forward, pulling two hatchets from his belt.

"Well you see lovely, I'm a proxy. And well, I'm here to do what proxies do best." He chuckled darkly, tossing a hatchet towards me. I ducked away as it lodged in the wall behind me, adrenaline coursing through my veins. "I'm here to feed the beast."

"You know Slenderman wouldn't want you to kill me." I breathed as he pulled his hatchet from the wall.

"And why not? A lone girl, walking through the fog, all by her lonesome self." He mask a 'tsk' noise. "You should have a little bit of common sense, beautiful."

"Do you not remember me?" It suddenly struck me why he might be acting this way.

"Why should I remember you?"

"Toby, it's me, Sable! Your friend, your partner in crime!" I desperately tried to get him to see through the facade.

"I don't remember who the hell you are, toots. Now are we going to do this or are you going to make it fun for me?"

I backed away as he grinned, pulling his mask up over his face. Just as he was about to bring his hatchets down on top of my head, I tripped, falling backwards. I expected them to go flying right into my stomach instead, but a metal on metal sound ran out. I looked up to see another figure in the fog, wearing a tan jacket and a plastic mask. The mask was creepy, with the sharpied in parts.

"What the hell?!" Toby shouted, cracking his neck as he flung a metal pole aside, ripping it from the mans hands. He didn't say a word as Toby lunged again, but he tossed him to the side easily.

"You piece of shit! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Toby screamed, and I couldn't do anything but watch. But then another figure appeared from the fog, wearing a light hoodie and a black ski mask. He looked intimidating, with red fabric sewn into a frown and eyes. But he grabbed me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. Before I could do anything, a hand covered my mouth, a cloth soaked with chloroform being held to my nose.

~mini skips~

I don't know how long I was knocked out for, but when I woke up, I found myself in a familiar concrete room, placed graciously on the floor. I was still dizzy as I stood up, but I could see a heavy fog among the the branches outside. My phone was still on me, but since I wasn't far from my house I didn't really see any point in calling anyone.

I stepped out into the fog, feeling anger build up as I walked. With a sudden burst of rage I threw my hand at a tree, slamming my fist into the rough bark. Then my other.

"First, my best friend hangs herself!" I shouted. "Then, Toby goes missing while his house burns to the ground! Now he's a proxy, and I have to deal with the fucking Masky and Hoodie fuckers as well! Isn't my day just PERFECT!"

I screeched, kicking something at my feet. I heard a small crunch, almost like leaves, but not quite. It was a piece of paper, crumpled up and tossed away. I picked it up from the ground and unfolded it, reading what I thought would be operator marks, but instead was smooth cursive. I recognized it to be Lenore's handwriting.

"To whom it may concern," I read aloud, realizing this was a suicide note. "I can not live in this world any longer. I've invited evil into my home, as well as into my heart. I'm sorry, dear brother, the nightmares you face are of my fault. And I hate to dash anyone's hopes, but mother is dead. I touched her body myself and I can not wash the image from my mind. And I too, will be next if I do not finish this."

"To my friends, Brian, I always liked you more than the other boys. I had a crush on you for the longest time. Tim, please take care, and do not let the same become of you that does of me. Toby, please do not blame yourself for your sisters death. It was not your fault. And to my lovely dust bunny, Sable," I choked on the words. "I do not leave you in the hands of these boys, because you can take care of yourself. Please, live your life like you could die tomorrow. Because the chances aren't in your favor this time. Love, your teddy bear Lenore. Do not forget who your true friends are."

I broke down on the forest floor. This was the last thing left of the girl, the last thing she ever wrote. I was breaking slowly the further this all progressed. I felt shattered, like an old window pane that had one too many rocks thrown its way. The odd feeling of dizziness came over me as I looked up, my sobs subsiding.

"Do wh-what you will..." I sniffled, looking up at the face of the Slenderman. "I don't have a reason to live anymore..."

He didn't move. He didn't say a word either. We sat like that for a while, not speaking a word to each other as the fog began to clear. But eventually, he walked closer to me. I expected tentacles to protrude from his back and impale me like they did in my dreams, or a fire to erupt around my flammable form. Instead, he fell to his knees, wrapping his arms around me. I felt odd, like I should be happy. But I couldn't do anything but close my eyes and let him hold me.

I'm so sorry, Sable. He spoke finally, his voice edged with sorrow. I never wanted any of this.

"They're gone..." I choked. "All my friends are gone, aren't they?"

Only Lenore has left the physical realm. He said. The others are too far gone.

"When did you realize it was me?"

When you called me a monster. He pulled away. And that you wished you'd never given me that poppy. I returned it, as I was undeserving of such a gift. You're the only human I've ever cared for, only because you weren't afraid. I considered you like a daughter to me. And I almost killed you out of spite...

"We came out here to find you, y'know." I laughed humorlessly. "The night you saw us. I saw that you had that damn flower in your lapel still and wanted to cry."

Please, no more tears, dust bunny...

"I ran out just a moment ago. I've had enough of crying for the rest of my life." I sniffled. He suddenly leaned forward, wrapping his arms around me again. And then we weren't in the cold, we were in my room, and he was standing while I sat on the bed.

Please, rest. I have no control over what your friends do anymore. They are not themselves.

"I know." I sighed, looking at the poppy on the desk. I stood up and retrieved it, replacing it in its proper spot. It sat in Slenderman's lapel, shining brilliantly. "Just do me one favor, Slendy."


"Do not let me end up like Lenore."

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