You get bored

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You were watching some documentary on TV. You were extremely bored and weren't really paying attention to the show. You were eating popcorn so you threw a piece at TV and said

" Screw learning!"

Dean looks up at you from his computer, he says

" Bored?"

" Extremely."

" Well I'm gonna get me some pie."

He walks to the fridge and he yells

" Who ate the last piece of pie?!"

Your eyes get wide and you sprinted outside.


You had been researching for far too long. You chuck the book that was in your hands onto the floor. Sam looks up at you and raises an eyebrow. You sigh and say

" Yeah I'm bored as hell and I can't read another word right now."

You click on the tv and of course Dr. Sexy M.D was on Dean jumps up and sits next to you. It came to an intense part and you tell in unison

" Oh no he didn't!"

Sam chuckles and you say

" Sammy lets cuddle and watch some tv."

He comes over sets you on his lap and wraps his arms around your waist. He says

" Are you still bored?"

" A little but at least I'm with you."

He leans down and kisses your lips gently.


You were laying in bed staring up at the ceiling while humming one of your favorite songs. You were bored out of your mind because the boys were on a hunt and apparently it was too "dangerous". The boys always babied you because they didn't want you to get hurt. You heard someone clear their throat. You looked over and Cas stood in your doorway. You smile, sigh and say

" Hey Cas."

" Hello Y/N are you okay?"

" Yeah just bored."

" Bored? I don't understand. Is that a reference?"

You laugh a little and tell him what bored meant. He nodded still not understanding it entirely. You patted the spot next to you, he walks over and sits down. You ask him

" You wanna cuddle?"

He lays down and awkwardly wraps his arms around your waist. You giggle a little but eventually fall asleep.


You were hanging upside down on the couch. You were bored out of your mind because you were home alone. You sigh and then you hear flapping wings. You look up a little and Gabe is standing there. You smile, he says

" Bored?"

" Yeah."

" I know something we could do so you won't get bored."

" Yeah? And what's that?"

He raises an eyebrow, picks you up, and kisses you roughly. So you never did get bored lets just leave it at that.


Hey people!!!! Sorry I haven't updated a lot recently. I'm just trying to enjoy my last few days of not having to do anything. Then on Tuesday I have to go to prison😭 jk it's school😂😭 anyway I won't be updating as much as I would like to during school, but I promise I'll make it up to you guys!!! Anyway bye!!!✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼

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