Chapter 1: August 4th, 1945: Arrival

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The sky was clear save for a few small clouds that held no special shapes. As the Japanese nation walked slowly on the pavement, he heard a few birds chirping up above. He put his hand over his eyes and looked up at the sky, trying to spot the creatures. He could see their faint outlines, but nothing more.

"Strange." He murmured to himself. He looked back ahead of him, taking in the scent of summer. The smell and feeling he was given made him  temporarily forget his aching limbs. It'd been a while since Alfred had tried to bomb him, but the ache still lingered.

The vacation was Feliciano's idea. Not much of a suprise, considering the guy. He remembered when he'd confronted him about it...

"Japan!" Came the voice of the Italian, followed by the sound of his tiny fists wrapping against his bedroom door. The nation was doctoring his wounds from the latest bombings, glad that he could move. He was going to tell Italy to hold on while he slipped on proper clothes again, but before he knew it the door was sliding open.

He pulled his covers over him, watching the Italian now in view with red cheeks. "Italy." He said. "I'm a little busy at the moment."

"I just had a wonderful idea, Japan!" He said happily, ignoring Japan's hints of wanting to be left alone. "You should go on a vacation!"

He watched the Italian as if he had just spoken that aliens were real. "A vacation?" He spoke in disbelief. "Italy, now isn't the time for a vacation. Everything going on with me and America, I shouldn't--"

"Oh, come on!" He persisted. "You're all sad and serious and you need a vacation! Besides, when you get back, you'll feel a lot better and can lead your people better!" He said this like someone who had rehearsed it, and the proud look on his face supported it.

It wasn't something he liked to consider. What if he left and something happened? Depending on where ever Italy had in mind, he might not be near enough to help his people. 

"Please?" Italy pleaded.

The nation sighed, feeling defeated. "Okay. I will. But," he said, seeing Italy's face brighten. "I'm staying in my country. I want to be able to help if anything happens. And, this little vacation needs to be a secret with the Axis. I don't want any of the Allies getting any ideas."

Italy was ecstatic. He even helped him pack and helped him pick which of the houses he had over his country to take his vacation in. They ended up choosing his house in Wakkanai by the water.

Just as he remembered them picking it, the house came into view. It was similar to all his other house layouts, except this one was a little smaller and the colors complimented its place by the water. He smiled as he took in the view, knowing that anything outside his small suitcase was already there. Yet, something about the house was different. He paused in front of it, trying to pinpoint what it was, when a cat mewling came from below.

Looking down, the nation saw it was indeed a cat, purring and rubbing up against his leg. A cat.

"Greece?" He asked, and when he looked back up, sure enough, there the other was on the steps. Green eyes shown bright, a lazy smile on his lips. "Hello, Kiku."

"What're you doing here?" He asked, kneeling down and petting the cat's head. The Greek slowly began to approach. "Feliciano let me in on the secret of your vacation. I thought I'd come see you, if only for a few days." Of course Italy told someone else. "Oh," Greece added. "and you can lighten up. You're supposed to be on vacation, no need to use my country name." 

A smile grew on Kiku's lips. "You haven't changed." 

"We are countries, you know. It's difficult to change like humans, especially in the small amount of time of a few weeks since I last saw you." By this time Heracles had reached him and leaned down to pick up his cat. "Come on, why don't I help you unpack. You can tell me of your journey here. I bet the food wasn't as good as you're used to."

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