Kawara Ryouta Short Story

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So in this Story we see a certain situation that the fandom might be interested in. Tho if you have played Holiday star you know about this.

The shop's closed for the day, and my work shift is about to end. I'd intended to go home a bit earlier, but since Rabu and Azami came by when the shop closed, I'm here later than usual.

Apparently, they're finally holding their wedding ceremony next month. They came to hand out invitations asking me, Mr. Urushihara, and Hiyoko to attend.

Marriage. ... Marriage, huh.

'Good work, mister Ryouta. I'll still be here for a while, so it's not a problem if you go home. I feel bad making a student such as yourself stay out late working, after all.'

'Say, Mr. Urushihara?'

'Yes, what is it?'

'What's... what's a wedding like? I've never been to one, you see. What should you look like? As in, should I preen my wings more carefully? And, well, you're meant to behave in a certain way, aren't you?'

'I believe mister Rabu said that he was only inviting close friends to the ceremony, so there is no need to be nervous.'

Come to think, he did mention something like that, didn't he.

Wedding ceremonies. Long ago, it seems like there were certain species amongst our ancestors that did similar things, but as modern birds have taken on many aspects of human culture, I get the feeling they have a different significance now. I don't know a lot about it, though.

'I guess once you get married, the way you see the world changes, or something? Like the difference between lovers and a married couple...'

'I suppose you could say that... In my case, it certainly seemed as though my view of the world changed, even if only a bit.'

'You have a wife too, don't you, Mr. Urushihara?

'Why yes, I used to have one.'

'Ah- I... I'm sorry...'

'Please, pay it no mind. It is something that will happen to all of us one day, after all.'

Yes- someday it will happen to everyone. Marriage is an oath to 'never leave each other', but there's an exception to that which can't be avoided: 'until death do us part'. When I think of that exception, my heart begins to ache.

'Is there somebody you would like to spend the rest of your life with, mister Ryouta?'

'... Yes. But I think all I can do is to keep feeling like that, without saying anything. It's been that way until now, so I think it'll always be that way.'

'I wonder. Even if that has been the case everyday up until now, it will not necessarily be so in the future. We birds live with the wind; we have no way of knowing how the wind in the distant future will blow. I hope that you young birds are blessed with a favorable breeze.'

Maybe I'm thinking too far ahead. I still don't know what Hiyoko feels, after all.

Ahh, I wonder what kind of wind will blow for us.

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