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A/N Not exactly one of my best ones... Sorry.

Minion 1: *licks ice cream cone*

Minion 2: *looks at me* I'M BOOOOORRRRREEED!!!

Me: Alright, I'll go see if I can find something in the house... *leaves*

*golden lamp suddenly falls from sky*

Minion 1: *pokes lamp* *laughs*

Lamp: *sways*

Minion 2: *looks confused* *kicks lamp*

Lamp: *quietly* ow.

Minions 1 & 2: *don't hear it* *look at each other and laugh* *start kicking lamp like soccer ball*

Lamp: ow. Ow. Ow! OWWWW!!!! *starts crying*

Minions 1 & 2: *stop* *look confused*

Minion 1: *tries to soothe lamp by rubbing it* There there...

Minion 2: *pats it gently*

*genie suddenly pops out*

Minions 1 & 2: *hold each other tightly and scream*

Genie: *stretches* GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM!!! Man, it feels nice to stretch my limbs after 10,000 years! *sees minions* Hi there! I am the genie of the lamp, here to grant you lucky creatures 3 wishes! Yup, that's 3, count 'em! *holds up three fingers*

Minions 1 & 2: *stop shaking* *start dancing and laughing, singing bananas*

Minion 1: *looks hopefully at genie with big eyes* Really?...

Genie: *looks at them seriously* Yeah... no. PSYCH!!! THANKS FOR LETTING ME OUT, SUCKERS!!! *skips away, laughing*

And that, my friends, is called real life.

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