the black lake

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Hey lovelies, i understand this probably won't be the best chapter i've ever written in fact, I don't know how I feel about it just yet but i'm dealing with a bad case of writer's block. Tried my best so please bare with me.

- Andrea xx


Eyes still wide and hands over mouth as if she had just seen the bloody baron tried to get herself together as she finally watched the slytherin gang disappear into the sunlight which poured in from outside of the big wooden doors. She stood up and lunged outside she hoped to not see Draco and company. She had to clear her mind, could the licorice that she smelled in potions earlier be a representation of him?

"It can't be."

"Not that bloody git. Nope. Never. I won't stand for it." She pondered angrily,  arms crossed & every word escaping followed with a stomping of her feet.

  Meanwhile  walking outside of the enormous castle doors leading to the black lake, she felt a bit  more calm as the sun instantly bathed her with warm rays. Ginny then realized that maybe she was being un reasonable maybe she simply just liked the smell.

Not to mention, there were four houses, one hundred & forty two staircases that lead to thousand of different rooms, rooms that thousands of students could be held in.Thousands!

"That candy could've belonged to anyone! And I mean anyone!" Ginny yelled knowing there was nobody around to hear her heated bellows.

  At this point, Ginny's ears were almost as crimson as the hair on her head due to her agitated thinking. She sat down just by the edge of the lake this time making sure it was a bit more civilized than her last visit. Leaning against a large pine tree she felt her own heartbeat slowing down whilst she watched the giant squid gracefully dancing in the eerie waters beneath her. sighing deeply Ginny wished that her temper wasn't as short as it was but she couldn't help to think that Draco was really the one whom she smelled in class. He was such an arse to her and her friends.

  So why in the world would she find an attraction to him, the same boy who came face to face with her in her very first year at Hogwarts and comment on her and her family's financial status, the boy who was despited by all of her friends and most importantly, Harry the love of her life. Or she thought.

Just as the universe had listened to her thought once again, she was taken by the sound of someone munching on some sort of fruit, her head shot up instantly.

"I knew you didn't have any friends Weasley, but a squid? I've got to say that is saddening." Called a nearby familiar voice.

Draco was leaning on a nearby pine tree coolly looking down upon her while taking another massive bite into his green apple. Ginny looked up at him through squinted eyes trying to block out the glaring sunlight out of her view, and turned away quickly, arms still crossed.

"Don't you have first year's lives to ruin, Malfoy?" Sassed Ginny.

  Draco grinned at this, there was nothing more that he loved than ruining the expectations of first years yes, but annoying the Weasley family was even more amusing to him, watching the top of their ears go red with anger and such. At this time, Draco had no clue as to why he didn't feel as much pleasure making fun of Ginny though It couldn't have possibly been pity could it? No.

"Oh come on Weasel, don't be so dull." Draco replied trying to inch closer to her.

Ginny was now losing it she was grasping on to the grass on which she sat on and slowly started to rip out bunches of it rather than ripping out malfoy's hair.

fire & snow ⇝ drinny {under heavy editing}Where stories live. Discover now