Plot Generators

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Have any of you heard of plot generators? They are good for getting your creative juices to flow. I took a creative writing class recently, and one thing my teacher showed us that I thought was funny and helpful was a plot generator on google. There are different websites you can go to, but I decided to go through a bunch for you guys and post any I found that were half-way decent. These can be very random, silly, and weird, but they can actually work very well! I will divide them by genre. There can be some awful plot generators out there, but I tried my best!


Bitter about being unable to find love, the main character deliberately sabotages other people's relationships when they receive the attention of a secret admirer, causing the main character to pursue someone well out of their league.

A kindergarten teacher rescues his/her former college roommate from pirates and falls in love with the captain.

A college professor crushes on a student who is actually undercover and suspects the teacher of murder. She agrees to date him only to get closer and discover the truth, but soon falls in love.


An Elven princess stumbles upon a lost civilization during a summer vacation on the Moon.

A talking cat discovers a magic wand after an alien rents his/her basement apartment.

A plucky underdog athlete falls in love with a game show host when zombies attack Wall Street.

A football coach that annoys demonic beings and his football team starts losing all their games and getting seriously injured.

An angel's identity is stolen and he must get it back before he is cast out of Heaven.

Five girls exchange minds using a magical stone.

A judgmental giant saves the life of a life-guard in the ocean while swimming/bathing and kidnaps him.


A chemical engineer, a cinematographer, and a telephone operator compete in a cooking match in an emergency room.

In a world where cats are currency, a life-long bachelor sets out to write a new national anthem.

A man who has a condition where he burps every five minutes tries to get a model to date him.


He was a young retired painter who had a secret passion for cantaloupe. She was a princess who bungee jumped from bridges and winked at strangers. Together they embark on a dangerous journey through the forest into foreign lands.

A washed-up super hero builds a time machine on the eve of the apocalypse.

A retired traffic cop overcomes a fear of flying during a summer vacation on the Moon.

A lost prince inherits a troop of monkeys with the help of a baby triceratops.

Links I used:

Random first line generators can also help spark an idea for a short story, if not an entire novel! Even if you don't know the entire plot, just go with it and see where it takes you!

First lines:

After five years, he just happened to be walking down her street?

He didn't reply and immediately she thought: they've got him and now they're coming for me

She stood out from the crowd because... (bright pink hair, beak for a mouth, sharp claws, flaming hair)

Only the very oldest people remembered a time when humans could see in color.

He stood gazing out from his window on the 20th floor, when suddenly the all the city lights went out.

The best way to cut that aggravating woman down would be to flirt with her husband

He was older than she thought he would be.

She clung on to the piece of driftwood, praying for daylight.

He had never seen a decapitated head before, much less one floating in the river.

The dusty, old book was sitting there, just begging to be read.

Links I used:

As you probably already know, you can change around and tweak these ideas to make your own, unique story. Some of the craziest sounding plot lines can actually make great stories! Good luck and comment below on your favorite plot or first line!

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