The Daring Challenges

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A series of challenges and dares that you must complete, for fun and bragging rights! Comment when you have completed any of the challenges and feel free to give ideas or share what happened when you did a challenge!

Challenge #1

-Write a really short story or scene using EXACTLY 500 words. (Post in comment area or PM, but others may want to see it!)

Challenge #2

-I dare you to eat the crust off of an entire pizza.

-I dare you to give weird compliments to five strangers. (Ex: I like your fingernails. Your breath smells good.)

-I dare you to do ten sit-ups in public.

Challenge #3

-Go around town looking for purple rocks, and try recruiting the people around that you see to help you.

-Successfully photobomb someone without them noticing.

Challenge #4

-Learn your ABCs backwards

-Memorize the value of 7! (Seven factorial) And if you don’t know what that is, Google it!)

Challenge #5

-Introduce yourself to a stranger with a fake name, and after conversing with them, tell them your real name and then you can tell them about the dare.

Challenge #6

-Bite into an orange peel.

-Split a banana into thirds, long ways. 

Challenge #7

-For a whole day, start every sentence off with "well." (Well, that sounds like fun! Well, can I go to the bathroom? Well, what are we having for dinner?)

-Give everyone you know and talk with a silly, new nickname and refer to them as that for the day.

 Challenge #8

-Read The Book of Mormon by the end of this year (whatever year it is when you read this). If you are interested in learning more, contact the LDS Missionaries. If not, you can still complete the challenge by reading it!

 Challenge #9

-Go without soda and/or candy for an entire day.

-Make a two-layered cake. (Cake is not candy, not that you have to do these challenges at the same time!)

 MORE DARES COMING! Comment as you finish to let me know if you want more!!! :D

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