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"Competitor number 102! Second is competitor number 104! And our first place winner is competitor number 504 Emma Cleary of the Celtic O'Bryan Academy! Could we please have her parents up hear to sign for her perpetual trophy? And she can keep the sash!!!"

AHHHHHH! I won treble reel! I got off the podium and wore my sash around with my trophy in my bag until the next awards.

"We now have the results for competition 309." The announcer chimed.

Medal rounds were good, I got a 1st and 3rd, and Roisin got the opposite, so it was going pretty well so far.

"Could I please have these numbers up onstage for the final result? 102,104,112,126,178,504,and 509."

Dang it. I got a placement, but so did Lauren. She's 509.

"In 7th place we have 178 Michelle Dunna of the Smith Academy. In 6th place we have 112 Maggie Wells of the O'Mallic Academy. In 5th place we have 102 Jackie Mallet of the Salls Academy. In 4th place we have 509 Lauren Elms of the Celtic O'Bryan Academy!"

Everyone clapped as Lauren approached the person who gave her her trophy but I could tell she wasn't happy about it. She glared at me.

"In third place we have 104 Roisin Cleary of the Celtic O'Bryan Academy! In second place we have 504 Emma Cleary from the Celtic O'Bryan Academy!"

I turn around and run over to the podium and get my perpetual trophy and white sash with blue lettering on it that says: 2nd place open championship u10.

"And in first place we have 226 Shannon Muroskey of the Celtic O'Bryan Academy!"

We all clap for Shannon as she receives her giant perpetual and sash cause honestly, she deserves it.

Aiming for the top(book 3 of the clearys on their way to victory series)Where stories live. Discover now