Chapter 9: Weeding

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Author's Note: Here is your every-two-weeks post. If you want it faster, post significant comments. I really want your feedback! :)

 Chapter 9: Weeding

Jax rang the doorbell at 8:30 Saturday morning. Frank opened it, smiled, and said, "Hey, Jax. Come in. Mellie overslept a bit. She's running around like crazy." He headed off to the kitchen.

Jax closed the door and followed Frank. Mellie was chewing her breakfast as fast as possible while simultaneously putting her shoes on. Jax said, "Good morning, Mellie." She gave him the best smile she could manage and made him chuckle. Jax asked, "Can I do anything to help?"

Frank picked up Mellie's gym bag and slung it over Jax's shoulder as he said, "Here you go." He also gave Jax Mellie's car keys and said, "You can pull the car into the street."

Jax grinned and said, "Yes, sir."

Frank said, "She'll run out in just a minute."

Jax nodded and chuckled as he headed out. Mellie finished her food, sprang up, kissed her father's cheek, and ran out the door. As soon as she got in the passenger seat, she started giving Jax directions. When they got on the highway, Jax asked, "Is your dad coming to the meet?"

"Yeah, but he has a Saturday morning class from nine to ten thirty. He'll be there at about eleven and catch the end."

"He must miss most of your meets then. That sucks."

"We talked about it before we moved. We knew he'd have to take things like that, the jobs no one else in the department wants, because he's the newest professor. He gets to what he can. It'll be better next year, and the college meets are much bigger. He went to all my meets in Florida."

Jax nodded and smiled. "He seems like a good dad."

Mellie smiled and said, "He really is. He's the best. Do you get along with your parents? I hardly ever see them."

"Oh, yeah. We're cool. They both just work a lot."

"Do they go to your performances?"

"They've been a few times, but we play at parties and in bars where parents are sort of weird. It's not their scene." He grinned, and she smiled back. "They went to my recitals all the time when I was a kid learning to play the guitar and piano. They support me, buying equipment and stuff, and of course they let us use their garage." Mellie nodded. "And they're really excited about me going to college here. They plan to come to the concerts at school."

"I didn't know you played the piano too."

"Yeah, I'm not as good on it, but it helps when learning to read music. Now it helps when I'm writing music too."

"I'm glad your parents support you. You know I support you too, right? Even if I can't go to these parties and gigs."

Jax smiled and took her hand, entwining his fingers with hers. He lifted their hands together, kissed hers, and said, "Yes, I know, Mellie."

She smiled back and suggested, "Maybe I can go to your college concerts and stand some place a little quieter?"

"We'll see. I never want to cause you pain, Mellie. Your health is far more important to me than you being in the audience when I play."

"But I feel bad."

He shook his head and smiled at her. "Don't. Please don't, Mellie."

"I want you to know that I support you."

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