When Did This Ship Happen?

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SOPHIA WAS BORED OUT OF HER MIND. So she came up with a ship. It was stupid. She knew it would never happen, but she did it anyway.

I'm seriously shipping #Raleo
Right now

Ooh what's that? What book is it from?

Um it's not a book...

What's #Raleo?

Yeah, Soph, what's #Raleo

It's Rory and...

Me and who?

*blushing* oh my gosh...


Wait, is it me and Aleo?

Yeah she's shipping us...

So does that mean we're a thing now?

Um... Okay?



Wow. I did not think that would work.

Sophia was absolutely utterly shocked. She had no idea she could get Rory and Aleo to date. Well, Cyber-date? Since when was she the match-maker? Sophia didn't remember making up ships. That was only unless she wrote Wattpad books. Sophia didn't even know how she even thought of the ship. It was practically insane. Only a sane person would ship Aleo and Rory. No one in fandoms are in fact, not sane. Where has her sanity gone this time?

Sophia put her phone down and went to get something to eat.

Just as Sophia was about to sleep, she heard a sound. Like knocking. Tap, tap tap. It was so quiet, yet so gentle. She shook her head and tried to convince herself she was hallucinating. But then, the knocking became furious rapping. She stormed over to her window and threw back the curtains to find... A boy. A boy standing on her balcony. "Sophia," He breathed. Sophia backed away. The boy opened the balcony door and stepped inside. "Jonathan, please, just go..." Her voice cracked.

Sophia hit the wall. She was at a dead end. She did not want to see her past internet friend. The one who had long ago betrayed her. "You.. You are no hero," she said as the boy continued to take slow, long strides towards her. "You are not my hero. You were a liar. A backstabber." Jonathan flicked a lock of his dark hair out of his eyes. "Oh, but, Sophia, I'm everyone's hero." His lips were just centimeters from hers. Every word he spoke, his breath made her shudder. "Including yours." He said that with such sexism, that his lips brushed over hers.

Sophia screamed. Five seconds later, her door blew off it's hinges. There standing, in the doorway was her older brother, Caullan. "Sophia are you alright?" He asked. Caullan being sixteen, a basketball player, and a gymnast, he towered over to the two fourteen-year-olds. Sophia could only manage to squeak like a mouse. Hence the fact. Jonathan turned and smirked at Sophia's brother. Much to her horror, he said. "Do you really think you can stop me? Do you really think that I wouldn't cherish the moment I get to rape her?" Caullan looked like he was about to grab Jonathan, fight him, toss him off the side of a mountain, dunk gasoline on him, and light a match and toss that along with the gasoline and start a Jonathan fire.

Spite what she thought, he only stayed calm. "If you rape her," He said with such level-headedness, that she can see his tactics. His strategies. "I will fucking call your parents. They will disown you Jonathan." Caullan's light green eyes turned a dangerous shade of darker green. Jonathan laughed. He laughed that vague princely laugh. "You fool! My parents would never do such a thing!" Caullan clenched his fist. "Get the fuck away from her."

"Too late." He pushed Sophia up against the wall. He crashed his lips to hers. Sophia screamed. "Oh shut up, you idiot!" Jonathan slapped the girl clean across the face. He then started kissing his way down her neck. "C-Caullan..." Sophia said urgently. "I'm on it, sheesh!" He retorted. Now Jonathan was trying to tug her shirt off. Sophia tried to push the boy away. "Oh it get's better, just wait." Jonathan said in a voice full of lust and sexism.

Jonathan's shirt was off. Sophia yelled for her brother. Everything was then a blur. She remembered seeing vague bits of Jonathan pulling her right arm out of the sleeve of her shirt and her brother calling the police, screaming for their parents.

Sophia woke with a start. Something shifted beside her. She looked beside her, there, sleeping, she was horrified to see Jonathan. Hence Sophia was fully dressed. She sighed in relief. Bad mistake. Jonathan woke up and pushed her into the mattress. He started grinding against her. "STOP!" She cried. "STOP IT!" She pushed him off.

Sophia woke up screaming from her nightmare. She looked next to her. Empty. There was no boy. She glanced at her balcony door. The curtains were closed. And so was the door. Has nothing happened the other night? Or was it a dream? Something thunked dully against the floor. Sophia looked down. Her paperback book was on the floor. She picked it up and hugged it to her chest. Thinking about the dream she had, she decided that later that day she'd call Aleo and Rory.

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