Chapter Two - How Does It Feel (Part Two) "He Called Me Beautiful"

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We entered the classroom and rushed to find window seats. Let me tell you why those spots are the best. Too hot in the classroom? Crack a window in the winter/early spring to keep you cool. Too cold? Open the window in the spring and summer to keep you warm. Simple, and convenient.

The only problem was that there were only two window seats left and one seat in the middle. Naturally we all fought over the two seats, but like the gentleman and best friend Christian is, he let us have them. We all sat and talked about whatever until our homeroom teacher, Ms.Infonté, came in and greeted us. She's a really pretty woman with smooth caramel skin and curly hair, just like Rhys. They could possibly be sisters.

She started off with telling us how good the year was going to be and whatnot, but unlike other teachers, you could tell she meant every word. She wanted us to really do good this year, and that's why I liked her.

She wasn't fake.....

Unlike a certain ex of mine.....

"Not right now" I muttered under my breath. I had gotten along just fine not thinking about it. I can't do this right now.

Before I knew it I had completely zoned out, and Rhys was tapping on my shoulder telling me that homeroom was over. I simply nodded at her, and she frowned. She knew something was up, but she didn't push. She was waiting for when I was ready to talk, and I respected her for that. While packing up my things to head to first period, I realized that in order to make this year work for me, I needed to somehow get over this pain. If only people actually knew how hard this is. If only they knew how stuck I really am. If only.......if only photographs could show how much pain someone is in.

The rest of the morning was filled with my friends and I trying to get window seats in the couple of classes we had together, and Christian ending up giving them to us. I had a class with Cameron, who was constantly trying to get my attention two seats away from me, but I pulled myself together, put on my poker face, and paid the teacher the attention he deserved. The second that class was over, I bolted out the door, only to find my friends waiting for me. By the look on their faces, I guess they somehow found out Cameron was in my class, and they came to rescue me. Even though I had managed by myself, the fact that they came at all warms my heart a little bit. Some people care.....

"Well, you ready for lunch? I hear today is pizza day." Rhys said in a sing-song voice. She knows my weakness...

Let me tell you something. Pizza is one of the best foods created, and I don't care what anyone says, school pizza is the bomb.

Before I could get pizza though, I knew I had to put the pictures I took earlier in my locker. I am kinda a slob when it comes to my bookbag, which is kinda sad since it's the first day of school anyway, so the safest place for my memories for now would be something with a lock on it.

"As much as I want to be the first person on that line Rhys, the memories are more important to me. " I said to her holding up the photos.

"Don't worry we'll get you a couple slices. Do what you have to do." Christian sais.

"Did I mention how much I love you two human beings?" I asked and they nodded vigorously causing me to laugh. "I'll catch up with you vigorous nodders later" and with that I walked away.

Turning a few corners and going down a flight of stairs, I was about to enter the hallway that led to my locker, which was unusually desolate, when I bumped into a hard chest causing me to fall back onto the floor and drop the pictures I had in my hands. I should really stop looking at my feet when I walk because this really hurts....

When I looked up to see who it was I nearly peed.

Three words.

Zachary Henry-Woods

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