Chapter Eight - Who Knew?

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Hey, party people's! I'm gonna include a song, and at the right moment, I want you to play it. You'll know when the time is right, and without any more words from me, here's chapter nine.

I hope you enjoy!


The next morning I woke up completely refreshed. The sun was shining, the bed was comfortable. Everything was wonderful, until I looked at the clock by my bedside.

12:30 P.M.

My dad was probably going to be pissed, being that it's his day off, and he'd have to wake up to find that one of his daughters left in the middle of the night. He'd probably think that I had enough and decided to run away, when really I was bored and in search of company.

Trust me, no  matter how bad things were at home, I'd never leave Kenz, and I stick by that.

Speaking of, I realize that I made the situation worse by not talking to her, which is why I made a vow to fix it once and for all when I made my way home that night. 

I stepped out of bed and let my feet touch the cold wooden floor, I shivered as I made my way to the bathroom. When I finally did, I stepped onto the carpet, not wanting my feet touch the cold tile in there. I turned on the light and found a green fluffy bathrobe on the door, and green pajama pants and a white shirt.

I guess he left this here so I could change. 

I took a breath in through my nose, and whiffed the most vile scent I had ever smelled.

Is that......?

Oh God, it's me.

I hopped into the shower, not allowing myself to smell like a sack of onions.

"It's probably all that sweat from last night." I mumbled.

If you guys thought the room was amazing, you should have witnessed the shower. There was a switch that allowed you to change the water pressure, and which direction it came from; above you, behind you, or in front of you. Plus, I didn't have to wait for the water to get warm like I do in my own house. It just comes on warm.

Seriously, how much money does this family make.

I must have been in there for forty-five minutes. I think the only reason I got out was because my stomach was yelling at me to get some sustenance. I got out, moisturized, brushed my teeth, put on the clothes I was given (including that amazing robe), and hopped down the hall, and downstairs to the kitchen (only getting lost twice).

I saw Merlin making pancakes in the kitchen, and I sat down on a bar stool next to the island.

"Morning, Merlin."

"Miss Brianna. How wonderful it is to see you at....." He glanced at the clock, "1:32 in the afternoon."

"I'm sorry.....the hungry.....abashdoobadew...." I trailed off putting my head on the table.

"I figured you'd be hungry. That's why I took liberty of making you chocolate chip pancakes."

My head shot back up. "Merlin?"


"I hope you realize that you have just become my best friend."

"Glad to hear." He said laughing. 

After receiving my pancakes, and munching on them a little bit, I proceeded to talk to Merlin. I had a lot of questions on my mind, and I was hoping I would get them answered.

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