Chapter Five - A Pregnant Horse Mixed With A Hippo

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My next few classes were actually pretty cool. I had a fun calculus class with Mason, who was my partner, and I had a dance class with Rhys. 

Let me tell you something........ 

Rhys is an amazing dancer. She's been doing it all her life, and you can tell that not only is she really skilled at it, but she really enjoys it.

Now, as for me, I'm pretty good at dancing, I just haven't really taken it up like she has, an I will never be as good as her. The song we were dancing to was No Flex Zone (Jersey Club Mix), and although I may not be the best dancer there, I was killing it on that floor.

Just saying......

In the beginning of the class, I was paired with another boy, and so was Rhys, but by the end of class, we were dancing together, and I was covered in sweat. When class ended, I said goodbye to our teacher and the boy I was dancing with in the beginning (who's name by the way was Joshua).

"Bye Joshie.....Nice moves there." I said hugging him.

" too. If you can you should take up dancing, you are really good.......unless you have something else that you'd like to devote your time to? You seem like a busy woman."

"For now, I'm just keeping my options open. A lot of things interest me."

"Well, in case you decide to, there is always a place on the school's team for you."

"Thanks.....I'll definitely think about it, though." I said walking backwards away from him.

After that class, which was in fact my last class of the day, I headed to my locker to put some books in my bag, and it was then that I remembered that I had that little problem with Zachary.

I can't remember how loud I groaned, but I think it sounded something like a pregnant horse mixed with a hippo. Yeah, I'm sure you could hear it like three streets away.

I didn't want to go. I really didn't. And, it's not just because I didn't like his personality, or because of how awkward it was earlier, I just felt like something was going to go in an interesting direction.

And my instincts had not failed me so far........

Subconscious: But, on the upside, you are one step closer to staring at that gorgeous piece of eye candy.

Me: Ewwwwwww, noooooo. Gross to the max subconscious.

Subconscious: You know it's true. 

The sad thing was that I did know it was true. 

Ewwww, what am I saying?

I slammed my locker shut, and I walked through the school's exit. Maybe if I went around back, went around the school, and to Christian's car, I could escape. It may not work, but believe me when I tell you that it was worth a shot.

I quickly went through the back entrance, making the least amount of sound possible. I then swiftly made my way down the staircase and to the sidewalk, only to be scared again by Zachary's presence.

"Ah! I mean, stop doing that!"

"You were trying to run away, weren't you?" he said, more as a statement.

"How did you find me?"

"Simple. From the short time that I have known you, I know you are a smart girl, and I figured, since this is the only place you would have gone to get back around to your friends, I would find you here."

I scoffed loudly and turned my head away from him.

"Can I ask you a question?" He continued.


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