Chapter Three - No More Head Butting

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Class ended, and I decided to get as far away from the person trying to kill me as possible. I pulled Mason out of the classroom with me too. Next, I found Rhys and Christian, and dragged them all to Christian's car. Then, I began to speak.

"We got a huge problem!! Like code....I dunno. Just look at this!"

They both read the letter and said this simultaneously.......

"Oh Lord. This is bad. This is really bad."

"I know. I thought that the first threat was probably not that bad, so I took it lightly, but he wasn't lying about his intentions." I said. "What do I do now?"

"Can I know what's going on?" Mason asked. I forgot he wasn't there for the explanation.

"Basically, Ray over here bumped into the school's bad boy, he threatened to hurt her, Ray sassed him and punched him in the face, and now he's probably coming after her. Simple." Rhys explained.

Everyone was silent. We were all trying to find a way to get me out of this situation. Then suddenly, Mason spoke.......

"We have to be with her at all times. I'll transfer to the classes she doesn't have with you guys. Rhyserimee, I need you to go with her every time she has to use the bathroom or head to her locker. Zachary might underestimate you, but we all know you can fight pretty well, so if you ever come across him, you'll have an advantage. Christian, I need you to escort her to lunch, and bring her straight to your car at dismissal. Rhys and I will meet you here. Any questions or concerns on that part of it?" We all shook our heads no. "Good. Here comes the next part. We all know that the terrorizing won't end at school, so to sum it up, she can't ever be alone. We're all gonna have to take turns watching her and Kenz, because knowing this guy, he'll probably go after her too. I'll sleep over on the weekends, since it's the only days I can go. Rhyserimee and Christian have to alternate between the week. If your parents won't let you stay over, notify all of us in advance or tell them it's for a group project. Lock all doors and windows at night, and I'll install that security system that Ray didn't do yet because she couldn't read the manual. Any questions?"

"Hey!!! In my defense those manuals a like a foreign language. They got me putting on glasses to see what I need to do. Also, I'm not all that okay with this plan. I like my alone time......."

"Any questions?" Mason purposely ignored me.

"Nah. That was pretty thorough. Since when did you get all leadership skills-y on us, Mase?" Rhys asked giggling.

"Hey, one of my closest friends is in danger. I'd do anything for her."

I'll admit it, I blushed at his statement, but to cover it up, I playfully punched his arm.

"Mm-hmm.....closest friend......suuuuurrrrreeee." Rhys said sarcastically.

Am I attracted to him, or have I been so absent from the dating world that comments like these get to me.......

We all giggled nervously until a voice called my name. I recognize that voice.....

I turned around to find that my expectations had been met.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Cameron.......

"I have no business with you, so what do you want?"

This ends right now......

"You know why I'm here Ray, I need you. "

"No you don't. If you needed me, that night with Dimitry would have never happened. You want me because I'm not there with you anymore. Understand something, I am long gone. You didn't stop me from living my life and meeting new people then, and you sure as heck won't do it now. Stop trying. As a matter of fact, even when we were were in the relationship, most of the time you made me feel like a hindrance. I have grown a little bit more, and I realize that you were one huge mistake. I refuse to be that weak and naive again. I'm done."

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