Gotta admit, the song is adorably cute....that's all.
2 years later
I woke up with a beautiful sound of birds singing outside my window. Odd, I thought secret base was supposed to be a secret. But at least I could see the beauty of the glimmering green petals. I was so happy that I got ready and went to the kitchen to cook for everyone. To my surprised, it was only 6 in the morning. Oh well, I got times. I started to watch an anime about tech and android and stuff. I found this white hair girl almost familiar to me, I wonder who she reminds me of?
"What are you doing?" A low voice asked behind me. Luckily it was just Itachi. We had gotten along very well since I moved here. He was like the big bro I never had. and its no wonder why he was very close to Sasuke.
"Ah! Your awake! That mean I'll have to start cooking!" I exclaimed and went to the kitchen not answering Itachi question.
The world outside is shiny and bright
There is a little bird who just came by
And with a smile I adjust my book
And there I go so clumsy as I slip and spell tea all over the ground
Wait! I'm not a klutz! I think. Anyway, back to breakfast. I made them rice cookies, fried rice, orange chicken and my colorful desserts even though it takes a lot of time. I quickly set it on the table and sat down next to Itachi waiting for everyone else to come down. Beside. The food was still hot so its better to wait. Itachi was so nice to set the plates for me, this is probably why I favor him.
"Ah, they really don't know how to wake up do they? Guess I'll do the job." I said evilly getting a whip. Itachi sweatdrop as I left to the hallways of dorms.
"Guys! Konoha has invaded the secret base! Let's go now!!" I yelled lying about the amber alert. They all quickly got up and was about to leave when I hold them all back.
"Ha! Lies! Hurry up! Breakfast is waiting, you don't want to get it cold do you?" I asked sweetly as they cuss under their breath at me. They followed me to the kitchen and sat their assigned seat. I of course help Pain with their assigned seat since they're trouble makers and the pain in the ass. Hidan was about to grab food when I hit his hand.
"Ow!! What the fuck Hinata?!" He yelled. Sigh, idiots. I wonder how many idiots Pain hired.
"Wash your hand," I said in a monotone voice.
"B-but-" I cut him off.
"Wash your hand or I'm gonna chop them off!" I yelled at him. He quickly went to wash his hand in the sink and went back to his seat. Tobi was about to eat the rice cookie when I slap his hand and made the cookie fall down.
"Prayers first," I said.
"But Tobi's a good boy!" He exclaimed whining like a 4 year old.
"No buts! Prayers first," I said. He groaned and nodded.
"Ikitakimasu!" We all said and and start grabbing food and eat it. Its nice to eat at a table with a family that appreciate you. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to return to the Akatsuki.~time skip~
After they were done eating, Konan insist that she should do the dishes and that I should just go and rest but I said no and that I should it. In the end, she threaten me that if I don't rest, she's gonna make Pain for me not have a mission for a week. I quickly got out of the kitchen and went to the living room.
"Itachi, your handsome and stuff but why isn't your brother?" I asked him boredly sitting on the couch with him.
"What do you mean?" He asked raising a brow.
"No offense but has he never had that duck butt hair shape before?" I asked and he chuckled.
"Well, he has it since he was born so I supposed not. Why?" He asked. I shiver at the thought of little baby Sasuke with a duck butt hair.
"Eww! Never mind, I always thought he liked his hair in a form of a bird behind." I said making him laugh.
"Ooh! Whatcha talking about?! Tobi want to laugh too!" Tobi exclaimed. This is the first time I ever seen an adult Uchiha that is so childish so don't get me wrong but isn't he like, I dunno around Kakashi's age? Too old to be cute and childish!
"Hm? We were making fun of an Uchiha." I said. He had his eyes on me but cheerfully laughed along like an idiot he is.
"By Uchiha, I meant Sasuke Uchiha!" I yelled so he won't bite me in the butt later. Trust me, when I met his true nature, he was all like 'I'm such a badass, watch me' and I was like 'get out of my ass ya pussy!' Yeah, basically after joining the organization, I learned to cuss since Hidan kept cussing this and that so yeah. I lived with it actually. He should be the king of cussing.
"Sasuke Uchiha? What about him?" Deidara asked boredly not liking the sound of his names. Toi just giggled like a girl and we all kept quiet watching the fool laughing like a girl. I always thought Uchiha were supposed to have a low voice but guessed not. I lost all my respect. I went outside the forest enjoying the beauty of nature.
Another day went by and I guess
Its gonna be like the rest of the days
Why isn't there anyone who wants to be my friend?
A sudden knock was at the door
Who is so crazy enough to come by?
And that I know it'll be a new day