(Bigbangs back! Sorry i couldnt put the music video but the dance is still awesome. Even though this song was kinda the reason why North Korea attack South Korea but yeah, I couldn't find any song about throwing shuriken and stuff so I'll just use Bang Bang Bang sound lol enjoy!)
I was practicing with...no one apparently. This is sad, no one wants to help me? And all she do is sleep while I have to train. This is not fair, Akatsuki won't help me and hokage's busy with paper stuff and all the ninja won't help me one bit. Sigh, I'll just start a fight with one of the villager to make me go to jail. This is no fun at all, if I had a big brother Neji don't count who loves me, we'll just bother each other to death. Plus, he can protect me and promised to marry me in the future but apparently that's all in the parallel world. I was looking for the café but apparently it disappeared. What the hell! Great, what else am I supposed to do? Suddenly I wanted to do something. I fell on my knees and cried.
"No!! Why?!!! Why won't you love me anymore?!! Why?!!" I yelled at the air. I quickly wiped my tears and quickly put on a fake mustache.
"I'm sorry Nanami, but I love someone else. This will be our farewell, goodbye Nanami." I said and left then quickly went back to my spot.
"No!! Come back!! I love you!!!" I yelled dramatically crying on the dirty ground. I quickly grabbed a chair and sat on it with a newspaper from my hand.
"8 years later" I said. I quickly pushed the chair away threw the newspaper somewhere. I put on my devious act and got out a mirror.
"Victory will be mine!" I yelled and laugh like a maniac. I then walk up to an empty air and put on a cute smile.
"Hello there kind sir, do you want to-"
"Uh, Hinata? What are you doing?" Kakashi asked watching my performance with a sweat dropped. I dramatically slip out some tears and ran towards him to his torso. I hit his stomache making a rhythm and setting his vest.
"Daddy! Your so mean! Meanie! You left me all alone with no one to train me and I had to do nothing but listened to music the whole time. Why did you ate my fries?!!" I cried. He sweatdropped at me and pushed my head so I can't punched his gut anymore.
"Hinata, I want you to spar with Sasuke." He said and I stopped and look at him with big eyes.
"Really? What are we waiting for? Let's go!" I yelled and dragged him to the training ground where Sasuke is at.
"Sasuke! I'm here!" I yelled panting but the it died slowly and I regained my strength.
"Come at me," I told him and he started attacking me. Bang Bang Bang a song suddenly came out of my phone. I suddenly stopped attacking Sasuke and watched the music video. Kya~!! Its Bigbang!! Omo! Taeyang looks hot as ever, so does T.O.P oppa! I heard a cough behind me and turned to see who it was.
"Oh, its just you." I said cold heartlessly. He looked like a dog who's about to cry and I love puppies so I gave him a bear hug.
"Can you go back to sparring with Sasuke please?" He asked and I nodded disappointedly. I went back to fighting him. I made my hand to look like a gun so I pretended to shot Sasuke.
"Bang bang bang!" I said pointing at him. He gave me a weird look but continue to fight me endlessly.
"Daddy, Sasu-nii needs to improve his speed and brain. He's too slow and he can't think of any stragedy to get me because, well its Sasuke." I said as Sasuke got a tick mark. Kakashi sweatdropped at my comment but nod agreeing with me of his speed but not his brain.
"Are you calling me brainless?" He asked irritatedly and I nod with a hum.
"Yup, basically. Why? Did I offended you? Oh I'm sorry, my mouth tends to slip anytime. Tch, your pathetic. I wasn't badmouthing your family idiot, you just need to improve that's all. Though I rather spar with Itachii." I said smirking as he got very angry and went towards me. Jeez, just offending him and bringing up Itachi sure is a sensitive topic. What's gotten in his panties?
"Sasuke, stop attacking me like I'm some squirrel. Like I said, come at it." I said and he used his fireball jutsu. Wow, I'm very impressed cuz I already seen this jutsu at the Land of Waves. Sigh, I hope he improve plenty. I look at his neck and look like he's going to passed out any minute. I got him and sat on him to the ground with my cool (fake) guns.
"Bang bang bang" I pointed at his forehead as his eyes widened. I blew my guns and pretended there was small smoke blowing out of the hole.
"Alright, that'll be enough today Hinata. Thanks for training with Sasuke." Kakashi said and I nodded. Kakashi let Sasuke rest so I decided to dance around like an idiot I am. I was pretending to shoot at my targets on the trees but it was hard to imagine so I pointed at Kakashi and Sasuke with a childish smile.
"Bang bang bang" I said giggling to myself as they gave me the 'really?' Look. Oh that reminds me, I wonder how's Naruto? I haven't seen him in forever. Okay, I'm exaggerating. Its only been a couple days since the preliminary.(Yeah, the one acter performance...I do that too when I'm bored lol and I know, I have weird taste in music.)