Chapter Four - Team Work

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"Livia.." Eyeless Jack repeated after me, as if my name had struck him breathless. "Mind if I give you a history lesson?" I had to surpress a giggle.

"Now you're a history teacher? Go ahead." I mused, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, we can begin with this, Livia has a Latin origin." That I already knew, I had searched up what origin my name was many times. "The meaning of it is 'olive.'" Great, my parents named me after a food that I disliked to the greatest. "Historically, the olive tree meant peace and harmony. The name also derives from the ancient Roman family name, Livius, which either derives from Latin, 'lividus' meaning blue, or 'liveo' meaning envy. There are many more posibilities, though the ones that I stated are the most common ones." Clearing his throat, Jack had ended his statement.

"Damn, you really know that? You're smarter than I thought you were." Though to that, Jack only snickered. "Good, I like the colour blue anyways; it's my favorite colour. Now let me tell you something!"

Jack seemed slightly annoyed that now I wanted to speak and lecture him, copying my posture of crossing his arms over his chest, could Jack have a childish side too?

"Blue is the colour of the sky and the ocean--"

"I knew that already." Jack yawned, as if bored with what I was going to say.

"Let me finish god dammit!" Grumbling my statement, I heard him mutter under his breath, though I couldn't quite make out the words. "Anyways, blue is associated with depth and stability, symbolizing trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, truth, faith, intelligance, and heaven; that's all I really know." The last part of my sentence came out frail, as if I had just lost the war of intelligance with Jack. So much for blue symbolizing intelligance that I did not have.

"Oh?" He said sarcastically, "And what does red symbolize?" Shit.

"I don't know." Huffing a sign, my arms dropped down to my side in defeat with nothing to say back to him. Hearing Jack take a deep breath, I knew that now he was going to lecture me on the colour red, why did he have to be smart and wise? Not even I could memorize what every colour symbolized, though seeing how Jack was slacking on his posture, my topic of blue obviously boreded him because he knew that already too.

"Red is the colour of blood and fire, associated with war, enegy, strength, danger, power, and determination. There's more, but I don't want you to get the wrong idea in this situation." Raising an eyebrow, I glanced up at him and into the holes of his mask where there should have been eyes.

Coughing, I grinned wide, though not as wide as Jeff's smile was. "Continue."

"Passion, desire, and love." Those last four words came out hoarse, though I did not know why. It seemed hard for him to speak any words that accosiated with loving someone, but I refused to infer what had caused him to not clearly speak such of love. Maybe later I would ask, or maybe it was just natural for all CP's, that they could not speak of the emotion love. Pursing my lips as if I had eaten a sour lemon, I heard my stomach growl and I realized that through all this history and shit, I was becoming hungrier.

With my hand on my stomach, I listened to the rumbling noise, and Jack heard it too because he chuckled just slightly to the sound. "I'm guessing you're hungry. Be glad that Jeff enjoys human food, often he goes around stealing food from people; or he raids their house after he kills them." Jeff, the name that swirled in my head ever since he popped in through my window. That ass was the reason I was locked inside this house with an eyeless murderer, and all he did was laugh as tears were falling on the floor. Be it that he was my favorite CP, I didn't know he could be that much of an asshole. Jack began to walk past me, a swift breeze following his way as he walked. "Come on, let's get you something to eat." Why was Jack being so nice to me? I thought that Jeff had brought me here to see hell, not to be treated nice by a murderer as he feeds me actual food and not kidneys. All the suspense, thrill, and horror was gone because of my conversation with Jack, which made me wonder what was the real reason that Jeff had shoved me into this house, more importantly why he locked the door behind me.

"Now, if you don't like blood, I suggest you close your eyes." Jack warned me as I stumbled behind him, towards what I hoped was the kitchen. Blood was no problem to me, I wasn't that girly that I threw up at the sound or sight of blood, blood could not hurt me and I could not hurt it. Once I mused that I would be fine, Jack only sighed as if to say 'Don't start crying, I warned you, you just are too stubborn to listen' but I didn't understand what was so terrifying about blood. It wasn't until I walked into the kitchen did I realize why Jack told me to close my eyes.

Sprawled on the floor was the lifeless body of a teenaged boy, his body laying in a pool of scarlet blood. Many places of his body were sliced, cuts and slashes and brusies all over as if the boy had tried to put a fight against Jeff, he was the only one with a knife that could do this. The left eye of the boy was missing, and I didn't care where it had gone, though the other eye was covered by locks of dark brown hair. With his mouth open as if he had been screaming the second he died, I realized that all his teeth were missing as well as his tongue, it was an empty cavern of pink. Only one limb had been missing, and that would be his left leg, severed by the upper thigh and gone. The one thing that disgusted me the most though was the sight of his insides, seeing that his stomach was completely shredded open and disorganized. Bloody and disgusting, the room smelled of death and the boy's body just seemed to have begun to decay. Clasping my hand over my mouth, I held in any protests or for that matter any vomit that wanted to spill out, this was purely repugnant.

I heard Jack whistle, and then he hummed, "I told you so." Though that only irritated me as I backed away from the kitchen. Pressing my back against the wall of the living room, where Jack and I had been chatting, I began to cry and feel the cold tears streak my face again. That boy was probably innocent, though everyone here had used him as a toy and basically eaten him. Why hadn't they done that to me yet, why was I still alive and not devoured like that poor boy? The tears came faster, though my hand muffled my sobs as I lowered my head. Strands of my dirty-blonde hair flew over my face as I cried, closing my blue eyes shut as tight as they could be. Hearing steps again, I knew Jack had just walked into the room and was evaluating the scene.

"Why are you crying again?" He murmured as though he was worried about my emotional state.

"Why was that boy in there?" I whispered, barely being able to choke out the words as a lump blocked my throat. Even though I didn't know the boy, that didn't mean I couldn't feel sympathy for him.

"Oh him? He was an experimental person." Experimental?! Was that what humans were to the CP's? Experiments? "Even though I had taken his kidney, after I patched him up he was still alive, as one of the lucky ones we might say. It would not be right if I let him walk out of here alive, he would go and tell the police what had happened and give us away." No matter how much he added, there was still no way that murdering him was right.

"And what did you do once he was awake; after you took his kidney?" Did I really want to know?

"Well, he tried to run off. Jeff caught him before he could even reach the door, though the kid put up a fight with Jeff. Of course Jeff didn't even feel the boys kicks and punches, though the boy did feel the blade of Jeff's knife cutting his tender skin. It wasn't long before Smile came and he wanted a piece of this scuffle. The boy ran into the kitchen, where evidentally he tripped on the chair's leg by the table. Once he hit the ground, Smile took his place in front of Jeff and began to rip his stomach open, right where I had sewn the boy back together. As payback, Jeff gouged out an eye, and Smile took a leg as a prize for himself." Throughout the entire story, tears were falling, and they didn't stop.

"Why did you put him back together?" I asked, this would be my last question.

He only shrugged though, "Respect? We only killed him because it was too late, he had seen us all, me, Jeff, and soon Smile. Everyone else was out doing their daily things."

Everyone else? Slender, was he talking about? I was done with this, I didn't want to hear anymore of it. Only nodding, I opened my eyes, though my vision was blurry as tears were still stringing down. Seeing that he had found and apple, and it was in his hand, I stuck out my hand. Immediatly it seemed he understood that I didn't want to talk anymore, and he placed the green apple in my hand with his gentle fingers grazing over the palm of my hand. Quickly I pulled away from him, as if I was a terrified child, and began to bite into my apple with a satisfying crunch. Jack watched calmly, though after a couple of seconds he bid me a small goodbye, and headed towards the kitchen again. From there, I heard sounds of dragging, and I knew that Jack was removing the body from the kitchen and putting it somewhere else; somewhere I could not see it. This was most likely the hell that Jeff had been talking about, though he didn't know my limit yet, maybe he just wanted to learn. Once the dragging noise faded, I found a couch in the living room I was in, and laid on it. My body took form to the rough couch cushions, though the dust on it made me sneeze irritantly. Laying on my back was a comfortable position, so once I had finished my apple and positined myself correctly, I found myself drifting into a dark sleep with someone's foosteps sounding in the background.

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