Chapter Thirteen - Testing, testing.

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     When Jeff busted into the room, I almost cursed because the sudden slam made Jack almost drop my blood. That would have had a bad ending, wouldn't it? Quickly, Jack placed down the vile of red liquid by a notebook, scribbled with equations and other things I didn't understand. Eyeless Jack was a lot more intelligent than I or Jeff, then again, I couldn't see how smart Jeff was. Maybe when you went insane, you lost your intelligence as well as your sanity. 

        "What the hell are you doing to her?" Jeff stormed over, and grabbed at my arm. A yelp escaped my lips as he yanked my arm over and stared down where the needle had entered. "Explain this you fucker!" He shouted at Jack, though Jack just let out a small sigh. "Testing." He muttered.

     "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TESTING?" As his grip became harder on my arm, I let out a yelp and bucked my legs. "Jeff!" I screamed along with my yelp, and he immediately let my arm go. With a grunt, Jeff glanced at me and stormed over to Jack with the most pissed off look on his face that I have ever seen. "What," He spoke very hoarsely and quietly, as he tried to get Jack stare into his eyes. "the fuck did you do to her." As if it was the final time he would ask, he gave an insane smirk to the words that he spoke; looking as if he was getting ready to slice off Jack's long arms.

     Turning his head calmly to Jeff, Eyeless let out another low and long sigh. Drawing in air, he placed a hand on his desk beside the vile of blood. "Have you ever heard of, 'Blood from a sane will cure the insane' ?" Jeff seemed to go voiceless for a moment. Taken aback, he pushed himself away from Jack and looked me over; up and down. "Y-you don't think that's possible," A pause, "do you?"

     "I don't know Jeffery, but it's worth a shot." Picking up the blood in his boney fingers, he twirled the casing around and lifted the vile to the light. The liquid drooled and splashed inside the vile, staining the entire inside of the vile red.  

     Even though Jeff's mouth was cut open in a smile, it almost looked as if he was frowning at the moment. "And, who the hell do you think you're testing that on?" He asked rather urgently, eyebrows tilting downwards.

     Although I expected Jack to say he was going to test the blood on himself, he only faced Jeff, holding out the vile of blood in his palm. No.. Jack spoke in a cheery voice, "Well, you of course!"

     "Excuse me, you fucker?"

     "You heard me, Jeffery. You are going to drink Livia's blood, and hopefully, be cured."

     "The hell with that you asshole! I'm not drinking her fucking blood! I like myself the way I am, and there ain't shit you can do about it!" Jeff growled, jaw twitching with anger.

     I stared at the both of them, not wanting to interfere. For now, this was only between Jeff and Jack; I was only included as the donor by blood.

   "I knew you would say that Jeff.." Jack's voice trailed away, and he reached down to his desk. Sliding open a drawer in the desk, he scrambled through the things inside of it. Eventually, he found what he was looking for. A long and sharp needle, the inside filled with some clear liquid. "That's why I have this." Pressing the end of the needle, he watched as it squirted just the slightest.

     "The fuck is that?" Jeff yelled, rather startled. He lifted his white shirt only to pull out his knife on Jack; and he yelled, "Stay the fuck away from me!" Oh boy, wouldn't this be fun?

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