Chapter 2: Meeting the Professors of Yesteryear

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"What in the world are you doing?" I asked Hugo, as he happily played with his wand, he looked up at me and flashed a huge grin.

"What does it look like?" Hugo asked, Julie had left this cabin to go find her dad and give him the cauldron cakes Mum had made him.

"Actually, I haven't a clue." I shook my head, and gave Athena another one of her veggie sticks, whichc she happily ate as fast as she could. "But care to ellaborate?"

"Not really, just a simple spell creating colorful poofy clouds. I could teach you..." Hugo was very much like Aunt Hermione, smart and proud of it, he knows about half the spells and charms we'll be learning this year.

"Um, I'm fine." I was more Quidditch loving than anything else.

"Lily, all you want to do is play Quidditch like your Mum and Dad, oh and join Dumbldore's Army."

"Hey! You like Quidditch too!" I said defensively, the train slammed to a stop and there was a loud noise.

"What was that?"

"Um, I... I don't know."

"Oh well, that was bloody loud!" He said, looking around, he stood up and looked outside of our cabin. "There are aurors here, somethings wrong." A auror passed by as James entered the room.

"Normal precation, every year since Voldemort." James said, not that I knew who Voldemort was.

"Um... Voldemort?" I asked, James and Hugo gave me the a look as if I'd grown 3 heads and became as tall as Hagrid.

"You serious?" James said, staring at me still. "Lils, you don't know about Voldemort?"

"Should I?" I looked around at them both their eyes were still bugging out of their heads.

"Our parents defeated him, killed him, he almost killed Dad, but he lived and Grandma Lily and Grandpa James were killed by him. And his follower, Bellatrix Lestrange killed Uncle Fred, almost killed Mum, Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione, and Teddy's parents." James said, giving me a serious face and pulled me into a hug as my lip quivered. I got scared, very scared and I wanted my Daddy now.

"Everything alright in here, kiddos?" Uncle Ron's voice rang throughout the cabin, he's one of the aurors checking, apparently.

"No, I think I want to go home, please take me home." I looked at Uncle Ron, as I pulled out of James' arms.

"Lils, you'll be fine, you're a big, strong girlie." Uncle Ron said, pulling me into his chest.

"Weasley, everything alright in here?" My Dad's assistent, Jake, said, looking at us.

"My neice, Harry's daughter, isn't wanting to go, something's upset her, she wants to go home." Uncle Ron said, Jake gave me a smypathatic look.

"If you want I'll contact Harry for you." Jake said, pulling out his wand and sending a talking patronus thing to my Dad.

"Hugo, are you wanting to go home too?" Uncle Ron said, letting me go, but still holding my hand.

"Lily, are you really going?" Hugo asked, looking at me seriously, I knew what I did affected him also.

"Yes, but you do what you want Hugo, I'll be back soon enough." I said, giving him a reassuring look.

"But, we've never left each other's side." Hugo said, giving me a lost look, "We're best friends."

"So, Hugo, it'll be good for us to do what we want, you've talked about Hogwarts for the last 3 years, you want to go, so do that."

"Okay, Lils, but I don't want to."

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