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Amethyst: You're a WHAT!??

Steven: Haha, no way!

Lapis Lazuli: Yes,  I want to become a crystal gem.

Garnet: What about Peridot?

Peridot: I-..

What did Peridot want to do..?she knows she wouldn't want to leave Lapis, definitely not, but what about the other crystal gems? They don't seem very fond of her, after all, she did pretty much try to kill them, and Yellow Diamond... What would she think. Peridot would be permantly banned from homeworld, and the others are expecting them to come back!-


Peridot is staying here.

Lapis Lazuli: Peri, You dont have to s-stay...

Lapis got emotional, of course she wanted Peridot to stay, but it wasn't her choice.

Peridot: I-I do! I want... to be a crystal gem.

Lapis covered her mouth... did Peridot really say that? Did she really MEAN IT!!!?!!


Pearl: How do we know this isn't a trick...

Lapis Lazuli: We understand if you don't trust us, I mean.. I did take your ocean once... and broke your dads leg... I was so focused on getting home, that i let my emotions get out of hand.. but now, i want to come back, a-and make up for my mistakes! It means a lot to me that Steven helped me as much as he did, i want to re pay that!

Peridot: M-M-Me too!

Steven: Garnet, Please. They just want to be a crystal gem, give them a chance!!

Garnet:....I just can't ever say no to that face.

Steven: Yeah-ha-ha-ha!
Lapis Lazuli: The thank you... I'm... Were... So honored!
Peridot: c-completely honored!
Steven:YAY! but... Wait... You guys need a star on your clothes!
Lapis Lazuli: we what...?
Steven quickly ran to the beach house and cut out stars from yellow construction paper
Steven: LOOK GUYS I GOT- huh?
Lapis and Peridot changed from their diamonds to stars, it wasn't anything special.
Steven: woAhh.
Lapis Lazuli: looks good, right!? I love it.
Peridot: yeah.. Pretty good.

Garnet: Welcome to the crystal gems.

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