Shallow Winters

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It was 6:00 am.

Peridot was sitting on the porch, holding Lapis' hand.

There were snowflakes falling softly onto the brown sand, breaking and melting.

Lapis Lazuli: It's really cold Peri, should we go inside?

Peridot: N-No.... I really wanted to do this with you. 

It was Christmas Eve. Peridot was trying to make the holidays as special as she could for Lapis. Little did Lapis know, Peridot had something planned that night.

Lapis Lazuli: Okay, If you have been waiting, I will Stay.

Lapis scooted over onto Peridots Lap and nuzzled into her sweater.

They continued to watch the snow fall, time passing by surprisingly quickly.

It was already 8:00am when Steven slowly pulled open the creaky door.

He Yawned.

Steven Universe: Hey Guys.... Whatcha up to this early?

Lapis Lazuli: Just watchin' the snow fall.

Steven: Woah.... I've never seen snow before!

He suddenly got un-drowsy and rushed down the steps.

Lapis Lazuli: hm... we should go down there with him.

Peridot: Yeahhh.....

They went down the steps and stared at Steven.

Peridot:.......Steven... what are you doing?


he was moving his arms and feet, flat on the ground.

Peridot: Steven... There isn't much snow, you're going to hit the san-

Steven found the wet sand, and got up.

Steven: ... These never work.

They heard the warp pad as Garnet stepped out of the door.

Garnet: Why is steven covered in sand and snow?

Peridot: He was making a snow.. angle?


He smiled from ear to ear and ran inside to change his pajamas. 

Lapis and Peridot followed, holding hands.


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