A New Life

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:.Alarm Clock Sounds.:

Lapis Lauzuli: Ugh... Peri..?

Lapis looked up and realized she was still in the closet, that is probably why the alarm sounded so distant.

Peridot was still sleeping soundly, holding Lapis in a cuddle.

Steven almost knocked down the door, slamming it open.

Steven: HEY GUYS YOU READY FO-        ...guys..?

Lapis shivered, a gust of cold air escaped into the closet.

Lapis Lazuli: S-steven... why is your w-w-window open?...

Steven: O-oh.. Sorry!!

He ran and closed it.

Steven: I was waiting for Mom's flowers to fall.

Lapis Lazuli: ......What?

Steven: Oh, every end of Fall, moss climbs to the top of this hill, and blooms as pink lillies fall to the ground surrounding every corner of Beach City.

Lapis Lazuli: That sounds amazing..... and it's happening today?

Steven: Yeah, I'm still waiting. I'm so excited! We taught the moss how to climb to the top too!

Pearl walked past

Pearl: Steven.. the flowers don't fall till sundown, we all have to wait.

Peridot groaned and woke up.

Peridot: ohh.... ah.. stop taaallkkkkinggg......

Lapis Lazuli: Peri, we need to get up anyway.

Peridot: ugh. I don't wanna!!

Lapis stood up and pulled Peridots arm.

Lapis Lazuli: we... just.. need to get.... to.. the.. harvest!

Peridot tumbled over.

Peridot: hmnn... the harvest....?

Lapis was out of breath as she spoke.

Lapis Lazuli: y..yeAHH.... yes...

Peridot stood up and walked down the steps, she took out orange juice, and poured it in a glass, and gulped it down quickly.

Peridot: ahh.

Lapis sparkled as she changed into a dress and walked down the steps, too. 

Steven: Pearl... If mom were here, would she bring me to the pumpkin harvest, too?

Pearl: Steven, there is no way she wouldn't.

Steven smiled.

Steven: Annnnd... would we all carve pumpkins?

Pearl walked up the steps and pulled out Rose's flag and put it in Stevens lap.

Pearl: No doubt about it.

Steven hugged the flag and rested his head in Pearl's lap.

Steven: Everyday, ever since Lapis and Peridot got here, I secretly warped to moms fountain, and asked her how she would feel if SHE experienced it.

This caught Lapis and Peridot's attention.

Pearl: Steven, you can't warp without us, it's too dangerous!

Steven: I know, I know... thats why I wanted to tell you. I couldn't keep it secret. I'm sorry Pearl.

Pearl: Don't be, Steven. I did the same thing. I would hold you in my lap, and make a holographic Rose, she would twirl around, and dance.... Sometimes, I-I would make her sing for you. you would crawl out of my lap, giggling and smiling, but when you touched her, and she disappeared, you would sit there and cry.. all i could do was rock you, but I guess you just could not get the image out your head.... I'm... I'm sorry Steven. Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed by myself... I try to find a reason she is gone... I can't even be alone with my own thoughts. But each minute she is gone, it.... it gets harder and harder to say... for certain... i wish she was here instead of you.

Lapis was holding on to Peridot's arm, wet from her tears.

Steven: Pearl, I wish I understood the relationship you had with Mom.... It sounds like it was very close... I'm sure she thought you were great, too... And if she didn't, I think you are amazing.

Pearl: Thank you , Steven. Remember, it's not your fault she isn't here. No one thinks that.

Lapis(whisper): Peridot...?

Peridot(whisper): Yes...?

Lapis(whisper): we should go.

Peridot(whisper): yeah...

They ran out the door.

Peridot: That.... was really intense...

Lapis: I didn't realize how much this "Rose Quartz" meant to them.... I'm glad we came here... And im glad you came with me, Peri....

Peridot stood in front of Lapis, Peridot had her hood down covering most of her face, but you could still see a green face turning red.

Lapis Lazuli: Peridot...? 

Peridot looked up, and smiled, picking up Lapis spinning her around.

Lapis: peERRRII!!!!! AH!! 

Peridot & Lapis were laughing, but both had tears starting to well up.

Peridot set her down onto the gringy, brown sand.

Peridot: I want to fight for Earth, I've never experienced something so magical in my life.... especially... with you.

Lapis stared right into Peridot's deep eyes, both having tears.

Peridot took Lapis under the arms and kissed her.

This is where they finally wanted to be after all.

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