The Last Straw

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Hey Readers (if there are any) I haven't been getting votes or feedback. I would really appreciate it if people did that because right now I feel like I'm just writing for myself. Thank you! 😘

I wake up again a little later in the day. The den is cold. Where is everybody? Suddenly I hear shouts from outside! Jamie, Mistress, and Master's shouts. I jump up and whine. Then I run to the door in the front of the den where the sounds are the loudest. I whine some more and scratch the wooden door that is preventing me from joining the humans outside. I know Mistress is mad at me, but Master and Jamie are out there too, and I want to explore with them. All I know of where I am being kept is the inside of the den. Suddenly the shouts get louder. Then they quiet down, and footsteps take their place. The door opens and Master quickly pushes me out of the way with his foot.
Mistress follows, flashing me a frown before joining Master in the room that smells like food.
But where is Jamie?
The door is still ajar, allowing me a glimpse of the world outside the den. It is white. I just have to know more. I slip out.
Snow! Snow coats everything. Trees like the one in the den are green and others are bare brown against the grey sky.
And there is Jamie! He is bundled in something green that makes him look huge, and he is lying in the snow on his back. That isn't right! Where are Mistress and Master? Jamie is a young one, like me. I can tell by his smell. Young ones shouldn't be without their grown ones.
I yip, trying to get his attention. He turns his head and squeals, but doesn't  move. I have to get him inside! Maybe Mistress wouldn't be mad at me anymore if I saved him. I know she loves him very much, like my creature loved me.
Determined, I pad over to him and lick his face. Then I take a good grip on his green bundle and yank. Jamie squeals again, and I am reassured that he will be okay if I just get him to the den. Then I start pulling with all my small body. My paws dig into the snow with every strenuous step. Jamie is slowly dragged behind me. I am quivering from the strain of pulling twice my body weight, but I know this is the right thing to do.
And then Mistress comes out of the den.
She screeches so loudly that my ears ring. I release my grip, my teeth sore. Jamie starts to wail. Master runs out of the den from behind Mistress. I leap away from Jamie. I have done something wrong. I have done something terribly wrong. I lower my head as Mistress sprints over to Jamie and Master sprints over to me.
"That thing was biting him! It was biting my poor little baby!" Mistress cries.
"Bad Dog. Very Bad Dog!" Master yells, grabbing the loose skin around my neck.
"I told you it was a bad idea to get a dog!" Mistress says angrily, as she searches the wailing Jamie all over for the marks of my teeth that aren't there.
"Fine. I'm sorry," Master says gruffly. "So now what?" asks Mistress, getting up and lifting Jamie into her arms. "Jamie doesn't have any visible wounds from that vicious creature. I think we got to him just in time."
I am so confused. I was just trying to save him!
"You're right. I'm sorry," Master says glumly, still holding on to my neck.
"Well 'Paws' is not spending another night in my house."
"I'll deal with him right now," Master says, dragging me through the snow to another small den next to the big den.
"Good. And do it fast so Jamie doesn't see."
Do what? I whimper and yip as Master drags my little bony body toward the small den. It smells like the humans that had separated me and my creature. I can smell the anger in Master. I can smell the fear that radiates off of me. I have to get away. I squirm and writhe, trying to get out of Master's grip, but it is too strong. I have an awful feeling that whatever Master is going to do to me, it isn't  good.

If you like my story, you will also like foof_girl_rocks story, "A Falling Ember." It's about a wild horse!

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