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The sound echoes in my sensitive ears. I cower on the hard rough floor where Master threw me. We are inside some sort of huge metal contraption. I do not know where we are going.
This is one of those many times where I really, really need my comforting creature.
Suddenly a loud rumbling vibrates through my big paws and up to my furry ears. I shiver. What was that? Then I feel a lurch. And nothing more.
"Damn it!" Master growls.
The frightening rumbling starts again and I try to jump against the sides of the thing holding us in. It's no use. Then there is another lurch, and the contraption starts to move! I yip in fear and try to get closer to Master. He may be furious with me, but he's the only thing I know right now.
"Down, Paws," Master says through his teeth. He pushes me back onto the floor. I whine. Master grunts in disgust.
What did I ever do to deserve this harsh treatment? I look around to see what else I can find out about this rumbling thing. And then I look up. A window! I scramble up on the miniature couch identical to the one Master is sitting on. He looks over at me but says nothing. I peer outside. Nothing but a white, grey, and brown blur. But then I realize: No den. No Jamie. And no Mistress. We are far from anything I've ever known.
I don't want to look out anymore, everything is going by too fast. I don't want to go back on the floor of the contraption though, so I settle down on the mini couch.
Before I know it, I doze off.

I'm jerked awake by Master's firm hand on my neck. I immediately notice that there is no more movement outside the window, which means we must have stopped.
"I'm sorry it has to be this way, Paws. I really am. But there aren't any shelters nearby to put you in, and I know you came from the wild. Maybe you'll survive. Or someone else will pick you up. Who knows," Master tells me as he tightens his grip around my neck. I whimper up at him, not quite understanding what he is talking about.  He sighs heavily. And then there is a buzzing, and somehow the window pane is gone. Through the opening in the wall, familiar yet strange smells flow in. I breathe in deeply, memories from my past filtering in through my nose. Suddenly I am lifted from my comfortable nest by Master's hand, and brought close to his face.
"Goodbye, Paws. I'm sorry."
He then picks me up by my neck scruff again, and holds me outside the big black metal thing. And then he lets go.
I thud to the soft snow below.
Master's face is framed by the outsides of the window. His expression is neither sad nor happy. The window buzzes shut.
The contraption rumbles off, leaving me alone, a single brown spot in the white snow.

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