24 | Heroes

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What a strange word. I mean really, when you think about it, who do you immediately think of?

Maybe you think of Captain America, Batman, Iron Man or the Man of Steel. But what does it mean to be a hero?

Just to have really cool superpowers, or  for you to have been scientifically enhanced, or you just have some sweet gadgets.

What if I told you, that you don't need any of those things to be a hero? That you can be exactly who you are right now, not having to wear a cape of a mask to help people?

Now, I want you to think of people you know, who don't wear a cape or a mask, and they are your heroes. Your parents maybe, or the army, or maybe even the person right beside you!

Now, all I've been hearing for the past few weeks is 'the Avengers are my heroes', 'the Avengers are the best', or even, 'No one would be alive without them'.

Seriously. I've actually heard that one before.

But what about the police officers and firefighters of your city? Do they do nothing to help you?Did they not bring you to safe places away from danger? Do they not risk their lives to make sure that you are safe?

I mean, I get that they sign upvgĝt for the job, understanding all of the potential danger that comes along with the job description, but how many of you actually care about them?

I mean, I get that you most definitely will when they protect you for danger, or if you are related to one, but putting that all aside, how much do you really care for them? About their lives?

They have families, outside of the job, they have a normal life, just like you and me. Some may have children waiting for them to come home alive and safe.

Think about people who work in the army. They signed up to protect your country from a war. They, unlike the police officers and fire fighters, cannot always go home to see their families every day. Some are shipped off to foreign countries like Iraq, Italy, or even China, to protect people like us.

About  6 months ago,  I met a man and his family, and he was going to leave about a week later to be stationed in Afghanistan. He had a little boy who was about a year old, and 4 year old twin girls. We hung out a little bit, and I found out that his wife just found out that she was 2 months pregnant.

He was a very sweet man, and you know what? I visited his family once a week at least, mostly whenever I had time throughout the day.

Three days ago, I went to see his family again. His little girls ran up to me and squeezed my legs, the little boy sitting on the ground trying to grab at me with his chubby little hands as a sign to pick him up. So, I did. But when I walked into the dining area, the wife was crying, a letter open before her, as he was rubbing her belly, in which a baby is going to come out of any time now.

When I asked her what was wrong, she only pushed the letter towards me. I put the little boy down, before picking up the letter. As soon as I was halfway through the first sentence, I started balling.

The father of her children wasn't coming home.

She was about to have a baby, and her twins were about to have their 5th birthday in a couple days - their birthday is today. None of her children will remember their daddy.

So, I need you to do me a favour. Any time you see someone who risks their life as a job for you, I want you to say thank you. That's all you have to say. It's quite simple, but really, it makes their day. So please, go right ahead, and do just that.

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