Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Erik closed his eyes, knowing that she was bound to ask that sooner or later.

"Ah. Well, I was...walking along the road- I do enjoy the outdoors-and happened upon your car. I thought it was odd, so I took a closer look. Upon discovering that you were completely unconscious, I took it upon myself to carry you to my home." He was a bit out of breath from talking. "So, here we are, I suppose."

Megan considered this. She bit her lip, thinking about what to ask next.

"Oh. Thanks. Am I okay? Was I hurt?"

  "You have a minor concussion, nothing too serious." Erik glanced longingly at his piano during the awkward silence.

"Could something else? That was really good. I kind of love music." said Megan, feeling somewhat self-conscious. Surprised at her request, Erik nodded once and sat on the piano bench. After pondering for a moment, he decided on a sweet melody that he was sure that his guest would like. He found the right position on the keys, and started the piece.  


Megan was caught in the sound once more. It enfolded her, and pervaded the cool air. She took a few involuntary steps toward the instrument. Something about it held a power, a darkness, that she was drawn to. Without realizing it, she opened her mouth and started singing. Megan didn't sing any words, she just simply let notes roll off of her tongue, revealing the extensive range of her voice. She was timid at first, but soon found confidence and sang louder. Her voice soared over high notes that she had wavered on before, and they were now steady and strong. Megan's voice melded perfectly with the instrument, matching its perfectly tuned pitch.

All too soon, the melody came to a halt. They both just stayed still for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what just happened. Erik was the first to break the comfortable silence.  

"Your voice," he said, "where did you learn to sing like that?"

Megan shyly thanked him. "I was never taught." This information came as a shock to Erik. Her voice was so beautiful, it didn't need any fine tuning. He was sure she had had lessons.

"Are you hungry? Would you like lunch?" questioned Erik.

Megan decided she was starving. "Yeah, that'd be great."

He gestured his arm in a sweeping motion to the door, and she followed him to his kitchen, which was equally as beautiful as the rest on the mansion she was in.

One spaghetti-filled lunch later, Megan brought her eyes to look into Erik's gold ones. He had a sort of danger to him, a darkness, if you will. As much as he had enjoyed his conversation with the enthusiastic girl, he knew he had to take her home soon.

"Well, I suppose you best be going now. I'll take you home, if you tell me where your house is." Megan was startled out of her staring.

"Umm...yeah. That'd be great! Thanks for...all this." She gestured to the empty air with her hands. Erik smiled. This was the most he'd smiled in a decade at least. Reluctantly, he stood up and made a motion with his hand, inviting Megan to follow him. They arrived shortly at a black Jaguar. Erik opened the passenger door, ever the gentlemen, before walking around to the driver's side and starting the engine. It roared to life, and he started on the way out of the woods.



"So, he just like, let you stay in his house?!" asked a disbelieving Alice as she sipped her latte carefully.

"Yeah! It was totally crazy. But nice, I guess." came Megan's thoughtful response. She checked her watch, as she grew tired of listening to her best friend's ramblings. "Ugh! I have a report to finish for English. Like we really need to know why we use conjunctions." Alice and Megan stood up and pushed their chairs in crookedly against the table. They walked together to the door, and they walked out of Starbuck's. Megan shivered and pulled her scarf more securely around her neck.

"So, same time Thursday?"

Megan replied in the affirmative. "Yep! See you then!" They parted ways and Alice hopped into her car. She had been so relieved when she had received the call that bared the news that Megan Day was safe and sound.


Erik Foster wove his fingers together on his desk in the dark study. Ever since Megan Day had left, he had been depressed. He felt extremely lonely, although he should be accustomed to being the sole human in the large mansion by now. Even music could not satisfy him. No matter how many different emotions he put into song, it all seemed pointless without her voice. Her voice. That was what had started this...infatuation with the girl. Erik hardly even knew her! He hadn't forgotten how friendly and open she was around him, but he couldn't help wondering if she would be like that after discovering his secret? He banged his fist on the table and cursed under his breath, showing some of his characteristic anger. Thinking wasn't helping him any. But... A seed of thought was planted in his mind. Erik slowly smiled, and nodded to himself. Yes, this would work just fine!

************** A/N: kind of a boring filler chapter, but it had to be written. :)

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