Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Alice's POV


Ugh. I hate stupid homework. I sat down hard on the edge of my bed, the old springs creaking in protest. I mean, who needs to know myths from, like, twenty billion years ago. I huffed and blew a piece of my boring hair out of my face. I frowned. Why does Megan have to be so gorgeous? She isn't even aware of how pretty she is. And she sings, too, and I all I do is draw. That's it. Nothing special. Then again, there wasn't anything special about me, I was just a background extra, along for the ride, to fill up the hallways and empty space. Boring hair, boring eyes, personality of a leaf. Whatever.I smiled as I thought of all the great times Megan and I had had together.

I was startled as my phone buzzed. I grabbed it off of my dresser and flopped onto my bed, wincing as the hard springs dug into my spine, and I made a mental note not to do any more flopping. I held the phone above my face and squinted at the name on the screen.


I glanced at the message that read: Hey, you better get your butt over to my game. You're supposed to pick me up, remember??????? -Gabriella  

I rolled my eyes and sighed. She could be mean at times, but she never meant to be. Deep down, I knew she was sweet. I had remembered...I had just kind of forgotten. I hopped off my bed, hurridly wrote a note for my mom so she wouldn't think I had run away or something,  and raced to my car. As I pulled out of the driveway, I checked the time. 8:09. Dang it! Her game ends at 8:15 PM. I wondered how she had texted me during her soccer game, but I shrugged it off and managed to barely stay within the speed limit as I careened down the road. Horns blared and tires squealed as I wound my way to the high school.

I found a parking space underneath the bright lights that illuminated the soccer field. I stepped out of my car and searched for Gabriella. I spotted her quickly, her bright, scarlet red hair distinguished her from anyone else. As of now, she was sitting on the bench, because the game had just ended. I looked at the scoreboard and saw that they had won, three to one. I waved at her as she stared at me. Gabriella never did anything that could hurt her reputation or embarrass her. She was already pushing it by being friends with Megan and me. Gabriella wasn't snobby or anything, she just cares about what other people think of her. Which is alright, because she's still a good friend, and most of the time she doesn't act like she's better than us. Most of the time. As I approached Gabriella, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful the night was. The crescent moon looked like a claw scratch in the midnight blue sky, the stars winking from their home above the clouds. I stopped short as I reached the metal bench.

Gabriella looked at me and said, "You're late." There wasn't a mean tone in her voice, however the words may have sounded.

"Yeah. Sorry. I kind of forgot about you." I cracked a grin at the expression on her face.

"Well, don't forget about me next time." said Gabriella with a playful hint in her voice.

I mock saluted her. "Won't happen again." She laughed and a smile appeared on her face that was still shining with a sheen of sweat form her recent game. "Let's get you home, so you can take a shower." I said.

Gabriella punched me. I backed up, grinning, and held my hands up. "Okay, okay, I won't tease you."

"You better not." she grumbled.

Her appearance was very important to her. She had dyed her hair three times last summer, going from her natural brown-black brunette to blonde, then to an ugly shade of light pink, and now red. I decided that the red suited her.

Even though she had grumbled, Gabriella's pale green eyes danced with mirth. We walked to my car and I started the ignition.

"Hey, do you want to get McKayla and Megan to go with us to eat? After all, it is a Saturday night..."

"Yeah, sure. Just let me go home and change first."

"Okay. Where do you want to go?" Gabriella thought for a second. She looked upwards, whether for inspiration or to examine the roof of the car I didn't know, though I guessed the first choice.

"I don't know."

"Thanks, that helped a lot." I said sarcastically as we drove through the city. I suddenly gasped as we drove past Broadway.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" asked Gabriella.

"Omg. Wicked. It's. Freaking. On. Broadway. Now." I said. I love Wicked. And most other musicals. Gabriella looked at me, and cocked an eyebrow. "You're a freak." she said matter-of-factly. I grinned.

"And you just realized that now?"

  ***********Megan's POV**********

The moon wasn't even out, it was just a little sliver in the sky. I couldn't see the stars, the city lights were too bright. I sighed, longing for my childhood in the country part of New York. By now, sixth avenue was completely deserted. A clock outside of a building stated that it was around nine. Apparently the walk to my aparatment was a long one from the library. My shoulder was better, throbbing painfully only every few minutes. By now, I was boardering on delirium, even though it was still fairly early, the dirty sidewalk swmmming before my tired eyes. I could be snuck up on and I wouldn't even have the strength to fend them off. Boy, I've had a really awful week.


The boy dropped the still-smoking rifle. His face was as white as a ghost, every amount of color dissapeared from his face. He watched, horrified, as his target dropped to the ground, clutching her arm. How had he been talked into this? He struggled to remember. All he could come up with was...the voice. Yes, that was it, the voice. It had been so soft, and compelling. He had wanted to do anything it had said. Yet...he couldn't distinguish whether it was a female or a male. It was quite odd.

His thoughts swiveled back toward the girl he had just shot. She was staggering, holding on to her right shoulder. Even from fifty feet away, he could still see the growing patch of blood that was spreading throughout the girl's jacket sleeve. He turned away, still overcome with terrible guilt, fear, and remorse. With a flick of his wrist, he disappeared from the naked eye. Invisible to any regular human, he sprinted on his toes, silent as a deer, across Central

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