Chapter Twenty

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A/N: Just so you know, I know that I mentioned that Chase's eyes were gray-blue, and then I said they were green. Let me clarify that his eyes change color. Remember, he has a ton of weird things about him, and that's just another one of them! :)

Chapter Twenty

Megan's POV

You know, it's kind of funny how falling to your death seriously snaps things into perspective. Take right now, for instance.

I screamed as an earsplitting crack sounded, the product of a lightning bolt that struck the airplane and cracked it right in half. The fuselage was separated by it, and the cockpit broke off. Time slowed down, the seconds dragged like syrup. I caught Erik's eye, and he grabbed me, pulling me to him as we plummeted into nothingness. I got a feeling of weightlessness, and then the free-fall began.

I 'd like to say that I had some incredible epiphany, but truthfully, all I could think of was this weird vision. Gabriella's image appeared, her pale green eyes sad, her expression forlorn. She shook her head at me, her red hair bouncing back and forth, and she said softly, "It's like a game. A cruel, twisted game." Her image dissolved quickly.

A game. This was all a game.

I was snapped back to the present quickly, and we still fell slowly. My hair was now completely soaked through, my tanktop ripped to shreds, leaving my bikini top in its place. The storm raged on around Erik and me. Thunder resounded somewhere close, and I closed my eyes for what I was sure would be the last time. I gripped his shirt tighter and braced myself for my imminent death.

I remember reading something about falling into water from a height. If you fell into water from a certain height, the impact would feel like concrete and you would be killed instantly. I prayed that our deaths would be quick and painless.

The water rushed up to meet us, and I squeezed my eyes tighter together, waiting for the impact-

But wait! I opened my eyes and looked around, confused. It would appear that Erik and I were somehow suspended in the air, a few feet above the ocean. It felt really weird. The storm was way above us, rain still pelting our faces.

I looked at Erik, but he seemed just as confused as I was.

"Are we dead or something?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No, we are still very much alive. Believe me, I am just as confused as you."

I looked down at my feet. It looked like we were standing on some sort of cloud. It was orange in color, and felt very solid beneath my feet.

I realized with a start that I was still clutching Erik. Eh, whatever. Instead of letting go, I just hugged him tighter.

"That was so scary." I said dumbly.

"I would have to agree with you on that." he said. "I'm trying to figure out how we are still alive. I mean, I'm certainly glad that we are."

His question was answered as we both turned our heads in the direction of someone's voice.

"I figured I owed you one. You're welcome."

I turned my head and jumped away from Erik, embarrassed. I saw something... odd, to say the least. A few feet to our left was the guy from the surf shop! The one with the blonde hair and weird necklace. But what was he doing here? He appeared to be floating above the water as well. I watched Erik carefully. He seemed just as confused as I was.

"Lucas? What are you doing here?"

Lucas grinned happily. "What, no thanks?" I could tell that he was probably always laughing and smiling. Just the kind of person that I knew would get on Erik's nerves.

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