Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Chase's POV

"Erik!" screamed Megan. I growled and rolled my eyes.

"Take your hands off of her, Chase! What are you doing?!" I laughed as Lucas tried to stop me. I simply sliced the knife on his cheek, the weapon coming away red. He staggered back as he tried to stop the bleeding. Megan was still struggling, and she was much stronger than I had anticipated. I sucked in air through my teeth as she kicked me in the shin. I stumbled a bit, but didn't loose my grip. I shoved her up against the wall, pinning her by her shoulders.

"Erik! Erik, help!"

"Shut up!" I hissed at her before cutting her arm. She let out a squeal and stopped fighting for a moment, and I took my chance. I pressed her harder against the white plaster wall, knife poised on her neck. For a moment, Megan froze, breathing heavily. I smiled to myself.

"Chase! Let go of her, now! You have nothing to do with her!" Lucas shouted at me. I heard someone's footsteps running up the stairs, and I hurriedly pulled the sedative from my jacket. Lucas's eyes widened. "Don't you even think-" Megan screamed when I plunged the needle into her arm, and I rolled my eyes. She was so over dramatic. Within seconds, she was knocked out. I threw her over my shoulder, glad that she didn't weigh much, and jumped out of the window, landing on the fire escape some ten feet below. I winced as shock rolled through my ankles, but I shook it off and flicked my wrist twice. Instantly, Megan and I were both invisible. I bounded down the steps, eager to make my escape. This was my chance to be accepted, my chance for me to actually do something!

My mind flitted briefly to Gabriella, and I found myself questioning what she would have thought of all this. "No!" I told myself firmly. I'm not letting some girl interfere with this! I reached the bottom and adjusted Megan. I landed on the pavement lightly, careful not to make any noise. The Paris streets were bustling, as it was around five in the evening. The smell of coffee and tea wafted from the shops that lined the cobblestone streets, drawing me nearer to the stores. My mouth watered as I raced down the street, and I took a sharp right. Right, right, left, left, right, left, left. I went over the directions in my head. I would be there soon, and everyone would know me; I would be everyone's hero!

The sun shone overhead, blinding me temporarily as I tripped over a loose stone. Cursing, I righted mself and continued on my way. It wasn't like I was going to hurt the girl, only scare her a bit, and keep her for long enough so we can get him. Erik, that fool! I can't believe how I had ever been scared of him. Fine, he looks intimidating most of the time, but that doesn't mean I had to be terrified of the man! After all, that's all he was- a man. Nothing more, nothing less, despite how his silent attacks had him nicknamed the Angel of Death. I nearly laughed at this thought. Erik was certainly no angel!

I have to admit, this plan was genius. Even though it was incredibly simple and somewhat cliche, whenever there's a guy and a girl involved, it can get complicated. It was merely a stroke of luck that we were staying at the same hotel! I can't believe that something had actually worked out for me!

I hung another right, and continued following the directions Jake had given me. Jake, that idiot! Too kindhearted for his own good! He should have learned the way the world works by now. Not everything is all lollipops and sunshine! Haha.


Megan's POV

I blinked slowly and gradually opened my eyes. My head was pounding, and my tongue felt thick and dry in my mouth. Where was I? I opened my eyes wider, but I saw nothing but black. I tried to stand up, but I noticed that I was tied to a chair, my wrists behind the back, hopelessly tangled up in knots I couldn't ever hope to escape from. I noticed that fabric was covering my face, and I realized that I was blindfolded. I laughed out loud. How predictable. At least I wasn't gagged or something.

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