Ben x abused reader

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You got pushed on the brick wall by the two boys. " No please stop it let me go! ".

You struggled with all your might but they where to strong. " Come on we just wanna play ". The leader said walking to you.

His lips where coming close to yours when his phone started glitching. " Woah what is happening! ".

" Leave the girl alone " a voice came from his flashing screen. His eyes widened and the boys let go of you they made a run for it.

You pulled your dress up and straightened your pantie hose and walked out of the alley. You felt terrible and then it hit you.

" Oh no mom is gonna be mad " you ran as fast as your little legs could carry you. As you got to your door you herd a bottle smash against the window " WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THAT GIRL SHE IS GONNA GET IT! ".

You started to tear up you didn't wanna get hit again so you got the ladder from the shed and the pushed it on the wall.

' good thing my window isn't very high ' you thought to your self. You opened up your window and stepped inside. " I HEAR YOU OPEN THIS DOOR NOW! ".

Your drunken upset sorry excuse of a mother smashed on the door.
" Leave me alone! " you cried and turned on the T.V to full blast to ignore the screams.

Then the T.V started glitching just like the boys from earlier. Half of a boys body leans from the T.V and you make eye contact.

You sit there in shock he looks like a boy from your favorite game Legend of Zelda " B-Ben " you stutter.

He smiles and holds out his hand. " Come with me I'll take you away from this place ".

You run up and kiss his cheek and he blushes a tint of pink. " Yes please take me with you! ".

You hold his hand tightly and he pulls you through the screen. You finally feel happiness.

Creepypasta x Child reader ( Requests are Closed [Die to Problems] XO )Where stories live. Discover now