Mask and Hoodie x Lonley child

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Requested by RandomGal15

You where alone, cold, and hungry. Lost in the woods you crept through the night without warm clothing or comfort.

" I need to find shelter " You climbed over broken trees and bushes with thorns, cutting your soft skin. " Ouch.. It's okay (Y/N) it will be all over soon.

Its really dark out not even the stars or the moon can give you a light. The distance you see... Hope ! A small little shack with light.

" I sleep in there for the night " Without thinking you head into the shack unaware that two men are watching you.

you take off your shoes and you feel the warmth of the fire nearby so you can walk over to it. " Mmmmm " you sit closer closing your eyes and think of how you'll survive tomorrow.

* Gurgle * you stomach rumbles due to hunger. " Maybe there's food here! ". You run around until you find the kitchen.

" Let's see what food is in here! " you rip open the door to the fridge and find a neatly wrapped cheesecake with extra strawberries.

You stomach rumbles louder " Okay okay I'll feed you " you unwrap it and take a few bites. * Creeeeeeak * Slam! *.

You here the door open and you grab a butter knife from the counter. " WHOS THERE! " you yell alerting the stranger.

" Hoodie in the kitchen " You hear two pairs of footsteps. ' Oh no two of them.. I'm no match '. You see a white mask with black lips, eyes, and eyebrows.

You strap it on and jump out tring to scare the people. " RAAAAWWWR! " you yell causing the two people to stop.

" DAMMIT THATS SO CUTE! " The one with the yellow jacket kneels down and picks you up. " H-hey I'm not cute! ".

He stands up still holding you and the other man takes the mask off and pats your head. " Geez how are you still alive it's freezing out there ".

" I'm tough and badass I'll live through ANYTHING! ". They laugh and clean you up. You no longer have to live on your own.

Creepypasta x Child reader ( Requests are Closed [Die to Problems] XO )Where stories live. Discover now