Staying alive during training

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(Only pic I could find with my image of carinth)



Scarlet p.o.v

It has been a few days since Percy got his powers and he still hasn't woken up from his coma, but seeing how well he took the change to his body and soul he will wake up in a minute or two. At the moment I was in my garage working on a brand new engine that I made and still adding some finishing touches and am going to put it in the car that I was always adding bits and pieces, powers and other cool nick knacks.

The car was an Alfa Romeo Pandion three-sixty since this is the three-sixtieth time I've built one of these baby's and probably going to make more in a few days. The car was black with red lining and dark blue leather seats, my bullet proof windows, wheels with steel lining and extractable spikes. Unlimited surround sound killer drums and a coffee/smoothie dispenser, touch screen dashboard with an extra fire engine along with a water cooler for when I'm in the mood for the smoke entrance effect.

I felt someone enter my garage and try, key word TRY, to sneak up on me, it wasn't exactly the most safest time to sneak up on me while I'm working on a car, EVERYONE knows not to bother me in the garage unless it was someone stealing or someone I care about in immortal danger a.k.a approaching death.

"if you touch my car I'm going to make sure you don't have a body for your head to live on."  He stopped and sighed, I knew exactly who it was, no one other than phoenix and the others in my small family would even think about interrupting me while I'm working. That and I sensed the heat of his aura when he came in.

"you know, you don't always have to act the part of a sanity deprived five year old, don't you." I rolled out from underneath my car to see him leaning on a support beam, with his arms crossed. Phoenix is exactly what his name is, he looks exactly like my fire clone except he's a guy and has wings of pure energy and flames, at the moment he had on a red army blazer with black jeans and a white tanktop.

I smiled " yeah.... well sometimes people need a little insanity to spice up there life, and can you please not stand so close to my water camero ." I went over to the bench and grabbed a rag to clean the oil off my hands and headed to the side door to go to the armoury next door, phoenix followed me out the door of the garage, shaking his head.

"we both know that's not what I mean scarlet, and why in the world is that kid still in the coma." He asked frustrated ignoring my comero that took me ages to perfect and by ages I meant a few minutes, the nerve. I just shrugged.

I laughed "you sound like he's about to die.....don't worry, he's going to wake up in a few minutes, you know that it takes a few days to get used to all the power his soul has to hold." I looked at him for a few seconds knowing that there was more to it then he was leading on but the best thing of being best friends/family with the people you were practically born with is that you don't have to use your powers or anything on them to know what they were thinking.

I sighed, knowing what he wanted to ask me, "I didn't change his body or anything to make it a major change I just tweaked his soul to be able to contain the power that I gave him.... And besides I'm not just going to kill the most important demigod in history." Already beside my most powerful weapons in the room of the cabinet and started polishing them with a diamond rag for just this purpose, thank my souls for them being asleep, so I don't have to suffer their annoying chatter (even if their fun people to hang with), while phoenix stood still for a few minutes, sighed then grabbed a stool and a rag, picked up the weapons that didn't have any effect on him.

"Sometimes I forget how close we all are to you since I'm always in the sky watching over the sun, and I only come down when I have to.....and yeah sorry for thinking you killed him and another bright side is that pain and the others are asleep." He smiled at me sadly but I didn't want to hear any of it, he along with clouds, firefly, and Armageddon are my only family. I just shook my head and changed the subject. It good to hear and apologise for your mistakes, I now I do. Plus I didn't miss the amused glint in his eyes when he was grateful for pain to be asleep. I laughed at that part.

Percy Jackson: scarlet assassinWhere stories live. Discover now