Im fine

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Amanda's POV:

"Are you ok?" Nick asked sitting on my desk

"I'm fine" I say as I try to put a smile on my face

Everyone has been asking me that lately, I'm not fine but no one could know. I'm a detective in special victims unit I work with cases that are rape and assault, I can't be a victim to one.

It started 3 weeks ago


I entered my apartment after another hard day of work "hey babe" Nate greeted me with a kiss

I grabbed a beer from my fridge and sat down next to Nate curling up into his arms. We have been dating for 2 weeks now.

"How was work?" He asked kissing my forehead

"Stressful" I smiled

"Well you wanna have some fun?" He winked

"Not tonight Nate I'm really tired, I think I'm going to head off to bed" I yawned standing up

He pulled my arm "no we are having fun" he growled

I pulled my arm away "what's gotten into you?"

"We are having sex wether you like it or not"

"Nate I said no you need to leave!"

He slapped me across the face, I grabbed my face in fear he has never hit me before. He pulled my hair and threw me onto the bed.

"NATE GET OFF OF ME" I pushed him off

He punched my stomach and started ripping off my clothes, I tried to fight off but he just kept hurting me.

He pinned my arms behind my back and forced himself inside of me "Amanda you and I have the best sex" he groaned


He forced inside of me harder, then grabbed my hair and pulled it down to him and made it go into my mouth, while he moaned and I cried.

After he was finished I pushed him out and told him to leave and never come back, and I curled up in my bed and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next day in pain, I remembered what happened last night and almost started to cry, I looked around my room and saw blood on my sheets, I took my clothes and put them in a plastic bag.

I jumped into the shower, once I came out I saw the big scar down my cheek "how am I going to hide this?" I whispered, I touched it lightly it stung.

I sighed, all my other scars on my body I could easily hide, but not the one one my face. I just hope no one notices and he won't come back.

I made it through the morning without anyone asking, Nick gave me looks all day, he looked worried but I tried to seem happy and that it didn't bother me.

"Amanda what happened?" He finally asked sitting on my desk

"What are you talking about?" I tried to act clueless

"The big scar on your face, did Nate do that?" He asked

"No, Frannie scratched me that's all" I smiled

He still looked worried "Nick I'm fine"

"Ok but if you need anyone I'm here" then he went back to his desk.

Flashback over

Nick would ask me everyday, along with the rest of the squad, they just couldn't know.

It gets rougher every time, last week he strangled me with a belt, I had to wear turtlenecks for a week.

He threatened to kill me once if I told anyone, but I had to beg him not to and tell him I never would.

Nicks POV:

I know Nate did something to Amanda, she comes in with scars all the time, and she wore turtlenecks in the middle of August.

I liked her, but since she was with Nate I never got the chance to ask her out. "Amanda can I talk to you?" I asked

"Sure Nick" she followed me into the bunks "What's wrong?"

"Amanda is Nate hurting you?"

Her smile faded and she looked shocked for a minute "no, no, why would you think that?" She asked

"Amanda you have been coming with scars into work for the past 3 weeks, and you wore turtlenecks in the middle of August"

"Nick, I can do whatever I want, I told you what happened ok? You can't let someone live there life and be happy!" she yelled

"Please listen to me, if someone is hurting you, you need to tell us."

"No one is Nick ok? You can't seem to stand anyone happy, I'm a big girl I can handle my self just leave me alone!" She screamed.

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