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When we returned to the house, Mark led us to the dining room where there was a round table with seven chairs around it.

I laughed. "Is this where you have your pack meetings?" I mocked. Mark looked at me with a straight face, "Yes."

I stopped smiling and nodded my head. August led me to the table and I sat between him and Noah.

"Ok Sadie, we need to catch you up on things around here and we, or I, should explain what your are. I will start with that." Mark said.

Noah put a protective arm around me and squeezed my shoulder, in a brotherly way.

I nodded my head and he started, "Sadie, you are not like the rest of us, you are special." August looked at me and grinned.

"You my dear, are what they call a White Fire. There is only one white fire in the world, and that is you. White Fires are very dangerous, they are unpredictable, faster than us, stronger than us. But, with the right training, they can be controlled."

I was starting to get scared of myself, "Why did the man call me a Diamond Wolf?"

"That is your species. There are three other wolves out there that are similar to you, but not the same. There is the White Water, White Earth, and White Air. Each one demonstrates a different kind of purity. You demonstrate pure fire."

"Cool!! So can I shoot flames out of my hands?!" I was starting to get excited. Of course, I was only kidding.

"In a way, yes you can." Mark said grinning. I did not expect that.

"You can control the fire, with your eyes when you are a wolf. When you are human, fire can be created from where ever you please. Tell me, what does it feel like when your eyes change from green to silver?" Mark asked.

"Like there is a fire igniting behind them." I said, everything falling into place.

"Tomorrow, I am going to take you out to the woods and we are going to start your training." Mark said.

I nodded my head, but I had another question, "So why did I shift today, I'm not sixteen yet."

Mark rubbed his chin, "I was wondering the same thing. What happened right before you changed?"

I thought back, "Uhh... Walter threw August, twice."

He grinned and snapped his fingers, "It was your wolf instinct to protect your pack. You wanted to protect August so much that you forced your body to turn. And I'm sure that being the White Fire didn't help."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well what emotion do you pair fire with?" Mark asked.

Daniel answered, "Anger."

"Right," Mark nodded, "So, with the anger building up inside you and your natural wolf instinct, you forced yourself to turn."

I nodded my head.

"Now, let's discuss your rules. Rule #1, never reveal yourself to anyone. So that means, no telling your boyfriends when you just so happen to think you are in love with them and that you can trust them, cause you can't." Mark warned.

I shrugged my shoulders, "That's okay, I'm kind of a boy repellant anyway."

August looked at me in shock, "And why is that?!"

"Whenever someone would ask me out, we would go on our first date, everything would go smoothly...until the next day. When I would try to talk to them their voice would get shaky, then they would make up a lame excuse and run away." I sighed.

White Fire-Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now