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Foster's P.O.V.
I sat back down and just looked at the unconscious body in front of me. I don't regret what I did, I'm actually enjoying this.

But one question still remained in my mind, Is August still connected to Audi? I mean the AOE created Sadie to be mates with August but when they restored their memories, everything should have gone back to normal.

Then again, something went wrong with Audi and look where she is now. Could something be happening to August too?

After a little while, I decided to be the good guy and call in a nurse. Soon, one walked in and spotted August.

"What happened!?" He shouted as he shook August. "Uh...I don't know, he just passed out." I lied.

After a bit of shaking him, August finally woke up, "Ughhhh...what happened?"

"You fainted, take this water bottle so you don't get dehydrated." The nurse said, handing the bottle to him.

August gladly accepted it, opened it with one swoop of the hand, and chugged down the whole thing.

The nurse laughed but my face remained perfectly still. I wished he would choke on the water.

After the nurse deemed him okay, I turned to him, "Why are you here?" His eyes widened, "Uh...to be honest, I'm not sure. My gut told me to find Sadie, is this Sadie?"

He pointed to Audi and I wasn't sure what to say, "Yes and no." August scoffed, "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"I'm not sure, I just have to make a call first." I said walking out of the door and into the hallway, still staying in hearing distance of Audi.

I grabbed my phone and dialed the commanders number. "Good evening sir, but we have a problem." I said.

I heard him sigh, "The last time you said that I found out my daughter was in a coma. What is it this time?"

"August is here, at the hospital, in Audi 's room." I said. It was quiet for a second, "Wait...like the Sadie Project, August?"

It was my turn to sigh, "Unfortunately." "I'll be right there." He said and hung up.

I walked back in and August was staring at me. His eyes squinted, "I know you're not stupid but you know I could hear you right?"

"You do know that I could very easily hurt you, right?" I snapped. I'm pretty sure August doesn't know what I am but he sensed that I was a werewolf because I sensed him.

"Please, I'm just as strong at you," August said. I snorted, "What ever you say, smart ass."

I started rolling up my sleeves and flexing my muscles. I work out everyday, plus my elemental training.

August laughed, "Wow, is that supposed to scare me?" I shrugged my shoulders, "No...but this is,"

My hands enveloped in fire and I looked up at him mockingly. "You see, I'm stronger than you're average bear...literally. I'm also stronger than you, and, I can do this,"

I started juggling fire between my hands. I heard footsteps coming so I wiped out the fire and smirked at August.

"Don't underestimate me again." I sneered. August gulped and nodded his head.

Almost a second later, the Commander walked in. He stepped into the doorway and froze in his place when he saw August.

"I was secretly hoping your were playing some sort of joke on me when you called." He said.

I sighed, "Sadly...I wasn't." "August, why are you here?" Commander asked.

"How do you guys know who I am?" August asked. "Answer my question first August, why are you here?" Commander repeated in a more stern voice.

"I'm not sure, I just followed my instincts and boom, I stumbled across this place. And let me just say, that force field of yours scared the scrap out of me." He said.

Commander looked over at me, "Someone must have missed something when they were erasing his memories. He should have no connection to...her...whatsoever."

"Again, I can hear you! What does all of this mean?" August asked. Commander just ignored him and he shone his eyes,

Foster, restrain him, we need to remove these memories as soon as possible or else he may start to regain more.

He said to me in my head. I nodded and lunged at August pinning his arms around his back.

"Hey! What is the meaning of this!?" He shouted. "Nothing personal, just business." I said in his ear and started walking away with him.

But something stopped me before I left the room...groaning.

"Uhh...Foster...Ughhh...Foster help," I whipped my head around to see Audi starting to wake up.

I looked at the Commander with my classic puppy eyes and he sighed and motioned for me to hand August over to him.

I grinned and threw August over and ran to Audi's side. I immediately grabbed her hand, "Are you okay?"

She squeezed her eyes shut, "Make it stop." I was confused, "Make what stop?"

"The burning," she grunted. Her eyes shot open to reveal a new development, her eyes were glowing orange.

Is this the same thing as when her whole body was glowing?

Soon, her grunting turned to whimpering. I squeezed her hand, "Shh...Audi, you're going to be okay," but my voice didn't seem to sooth her.

Her whimpering slowly became louder and louder until they were ear piercing screams.

Suddenly, the Commander ran back in, with no sign of August. "What's wrong with her? And why are her eyes glowing?" He asked.

Right, he wasn't there for that. "I don't know. Her whole body was glowing earlier on. Im not sure what's wrong with her or how to help her. I feel so useless!!" And I turned around and punched a hole in the wall.

"Foster, you need to calm down. We will figure this out. Maybe if we put our heads together we can...no way." Commander said suddenly.

He ran around to the other side of the bed and looked deeply into her eyes. He let out a nervous laugh, "No...it can't be."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean?" He laughed incredulously, "She's healing herself. Slowly, but she's getting there."

I took a step back, "How is that possible?" "There are special elementals out there who have special abilities. Such as healing, growing, and even turning invisible. I believe that Audi has inherited her mother's gift of healing." He said.

"Wow, I knew that she was special, but not this special." I said. Then it hit me, if she is really healing herself, then the scar on her arm should be gone.

I walked up to her and lifted up her sleeve to try and find her scar...but it was gone.

I laughed, "Wow, Audi. You surprise me everyday." Soon, her yelling dialed down and she seemed peaceful.

Commander and I sat down quietly while I played with her hair. "Come on son," commander said softly, "let's go get something to eat."

I nodded my head and stood up. I leaned over and pressed my lips to her sweaty forehead. "I'll be back soon," I whispered to her.

I stood up straight and started walking alongside Commander, "So...where's August, did you fix the whole memory problem?"

He grinned looking forward, "Not quite, we have other plans for August."

Ooooh, what is AOE planning to do with August? It will be revealed in the next chapter. I have a favor, please comment what you think of this story, honestly, I want to know. Please vote and recommend this story to your friends. Thanks for reading, have a good night! 1288 Words.

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