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*Kam's hair colour up top, sucky quality ik but it is just the colour not the actual style itself*

Elizabeth's p.o.v

I slowly closed the door and smiled. I'm going on a date with Denis I thought to myself. I quickly got out my phone and messaged Kamryn.

Omg kam kam kam text me i need you.

I got a quick reply from her.

Dununununnnun and I miss you lol sorry ok I'll be over in 10. And the gas station need anything?

a pack of cigs please? ;) I'll love you 5 ever

She is a year older than me so i make her do my dirty work ;). She sent back an ok and I ran up to my room turning on the Stand Up and Scream album jamming out to I used to have a best friend (then he gave me an std) weird name I know.

I looked in the mirror and making a snarl to see my smiley that I pierced myself I know I'm so cool ha, and I centered my septum. I got out my makeup bag it's actually just a dragon ball z lunchbox because why not. And put my makeup on which took 5ever because I would always mess up on wing and its crazy hah.

When I'm all finished I got on a pair of ripped black skinneys and a Chelsea Grin sweater. It scared people because there is a face on the back. Along with my black boots.

When I'm all finished I head into my room and see Kam laying on my bed with a cigarette on her lips.

"Hey love" I say grabbing a cigarette out of the pack. She sat up and smiled.

"So spill what happened" she says wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing I said looking down. She laughed "uh huh. That's why they're men's jeans on your floor" she scoffed.
"Okok fine. Promise not to freak buutt.. Denis slept over" I said biting my lip. She looked at me wide eyed.
"Oh my god! Tell me everything! Is he big"
"Oh my god Kam! It wasn't like that! He came over and we drank we kissed and he asked if he could stay the night." I say flicking my cigarette out the window. "Ohh and he asked me out on a date!" I told her jumping and squealing and started screaming and jumping with me.
After a while we went to the mall and got an outfit for Friday which was a black cardigan with skulls on the front and it had buttons on the back and black skinny jeans that weren't ripped up and I also got bleach along with blue and green hair dye (it's not for me sh ;) ) when we were all done on the way home we were jamming out to We Butter The Bread With Butter and laughing whenever we would try to scream.

I put the clothes in my dresser and I walked over to Kamryn holding her natural hair in my hand.

"Can I dye your hair?" I asked her.

"Hahaha no" she said letting me continue to mess with her hair. I looked at her pouting.

"Oh come on! You've been complaining about how you want something done with your hair! It will look really pretty!" I said pleading. She sighed in defeat.

"Let me ask my mum ok?" She said getting on her phone. After a while she got a message and she looked at me and nodded.

I squealed and got out the bleach for her hair.  It took around two bottles because her hair is so thick. When he hair was white I started with the bright green and around the ends started mixing it with the blue and the underneath was an green blue when I was finished we waited for what seems like forever and Kamryn was anxious about what it would look like
"What if it looks like shit?" She asked me talking out another cigarette and putting it against her parted lips.
"It won't trust me" I tell her. After the time was up we went into my bathroom and she put her head under the shower head so I could help her with getting all the dye out. She started to freak when she saw all the dye fall from her hair and escape through the drain.
"I can't believe I dyed my hair!" She squealed. I just laughed and put the shampoo and conditioner in her hair when no more dye was leaking out.

Mistakes // Denis Stoff Where stories live. Discover now