T w e n t y - T w o

407 16 14

That's me lol I was under the influence and I thought it would be a GRAND IDEA TO PIERCE THE BRIDGE OF MY NOSE HALFWAY AND THERE IS BLOOD ERRWHERE AND IT GOT ON MY JOB APPLICATION FML. Also there's a cup of my blood now on sale for like 66.60$ lol sorry for those who don't fancy blood lol
*Elizabeth's p.o.v*
I lay quietly side by side with Serj who was currently fast asleep, snoring here and there. I look at his arm that is draped around my naked waist and his other arm is under my head. As he lay asleep my mind quickly wanders to what happened last night, I lost my virginity to my boyfriends best friend.
The thought of Denis made my eyes sting with tears. I let out a quiet sob and covered my face with my hands to stop the sobs. I feel so dirty. I was supposed to save myself for Denis. It was supposed to be special. I wiped the tears away and slowly moved Serj's arm off of me and made my way to the restroom, trying my best not to yell in pain as I walked. I quickly turned on the shower. As I waited for it to heat up I looked at myself in the mirror and was disgusted with what I saw. My hair was falling out of my bun, some of it was stuck to the nape of my neck and my forehead from sweat. My face is red and puffy from crying and my bottom lip is bruised from the affair I had earlier. Disgusting affair. I looked away from my reflection and slowly made my way into the shower, removing what was left of the hair in my bun.
"I'm so stupid." I quietly sobbed to myself, sliding down the shower wall, curling my knees up to my chest, sobbing. After what seemed like an eternity of tears falling down the drain there was a small knock on the door. My hiccuping tears quickly halted.
"yea?" I asked, wiping my eyes. I heard the door slightly open and the shower curtain rustle slightly.
"what's wrong? Are you okay?" Serj's groggy voice rang out.
"yea," I said snuffling "why wouldn't I be?" I said as normal as I am able to. I heard a sigh and the curtain open.
"oh, love tell me what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" he asked, stepping into the shower, beads of water and sweat dripping down his muscular body. I quickly close my eyes and take a deep breath.
"no, I'm fine" I managed to smile, but he didn't believe.
"I didn't think you would be that hurt from it, I thought Denis, you kno-"
"Denis and I never had sex." I said rather loudly. Serj looked at me for a long moment and then sighed.
"you mean I took your?" he asked quietly. I didn't dare look at him as I nodded. Soon after some tears started spilling I felt something grab my hand, I looked up to see Serj grabbing my hands, standing up and bringing me with him.
"I'm so sorry." he said softly hugging me. I just shook my head and continued to let to tears spill. Little sniffles became sobs and the sobs turned to holding on to Serj for support as I sobbed in his shoulder as he held me and told me it will be alright.
"please don't tell anyone about this, okay?" I whisper after I was finished crying.
"I will never tell a soul." he murmured rubbing circles on the small of my back, occasionally trailing up to my shoulders, making me shiver every once in a while. We held each other as the water washed over us, as if washing away my actions from last night

*Andy's p.o.v*
I was in my kitchen making a bowl of cereal when my mum called out my name.
"I'm in the kitchen!" I called out, pouring the milk in my bowl. I heard my mum's heels clicking their way to the kitchen.
"hey mum, what you need?" I ask as I take a bite of cereal.
"your father and I have to go on another business trip, we should be back by your graduation ceremony." my mum said as she leaned on the counter. I sighed and looked at my cereal.
"but, graduation is in like two weeks." I said looking at her. She sighed and smiled apologetically.
"I'm sorry honey. You know how much this means to your father and I. We can't risk not doing this." she said making her way over to me, patting my shoulder.
"Where's dad now?" I asked.
"putting our bags in the boot."
"you guys are leaving today?" I choked out. My mum looked at me apologetically.
"I'm sorry, dear. You be good while we're gone, OK?" she asked, bringing me into a large hug. Tears stung my eyes as I nodded into her shoulder.
"bye mum." I said as she started to walk to the door.
"good bye, I love you." she said, blowing a kiss towards me, which I caught and put it in my pocket. My father quickly walked in and said his farewells and closed the door behind them, and with that I watched them leave out the window, letting the tears finally fall.

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